VECC recruitment exam Pattern

VECC Stipendiary Trainee Category II exam pattern

The selection process will consist of test in 3 stages
Stage 1- Preliminary Test – Screening examination to be held to shortlist candidates. The format of the screening examinations will be common for all trades and will be in the following format.
Examination will consist of 50 multi choice questions (choices of 4 answers) of one hour duration int the following proportion –
Mathematics – 20 questions
Science – 20 questions
General Awareness – 10 questions
Three marks will be awarded for each correct answer and one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
Candidates scoring less than 40% in General category will be screened but, For reserved categories the lowest cutt-off will not be fixed below 30%.

Stage 2 – Advance Test – All candidates screened in stage 1 will be allowed to undertake stage 2 (Advance Test) in their respective trade.
1. The test will comprise 50 multi choice questions (choice of 4 answers) of two hour duration.
2. ‘3’ marks will be awarded for each correct answer and ‘1’ mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
3. Merit list of candidates will be prepared after Stage 2 based upon the scores otained in Stage 2 only
Candidates scoring less than 30% in General category will be screened out. For reserved categories the lowest cut-off will not be fixed below 20%l.

Stage 3 – Skills Test
1. Based upon the Merit list prepared after Stage 2, candidates will be shortlisted for Stage 3 (Skill Test).
2. The number of candidates shortlisted for Skills Test will depend upon the number of candidates qualifying in Stage 2 but will not exceed 4-5 times the number of vacancies in each trade.
3. The Skills Test will be based on Go/No-Go basis.
4. Candidates clearing the skill test will be shortlisted and empanelled in order of Merit based on the marks secured in Stage 2.






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