UPTET Question Paper on Mathematics

UPTET Paper I 2019 dated 23 Jan 2022 on Mathematics

S.No. Questions with options
1 Which measures of central tendency get affected if the extreme observations on both the ends of a data arranged in descending order are removed?

(a)  Mod and median

(b) Mean and mode

(c)  Mean, median and mode

(d) Mean and median

2 Find the sum of all the interior angles of a pentagon

(a)  540 degree

(b) 360 degree

(c)  180 degree

(d) 450 degree

3 4/7 of a pole is in the mud. When 1/3 of it is pulled out, an 8 meter long piece of the pole still remains in the mud. What is total length of the pole?

(a)  12 metre

(b) 30 metre

(c)  25 metre

(d) 21 metre

4 A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days, C and A in 20 days. How long would A take separately to do the same work?

(a)  40 days

(b) 30 days

(c)  20 days

(d) 10 days

5 When 121012 is divided by 22, the remainder is

(a)  4

(b) 3

(c)  2

(d) 0

6 Digit of unit place in the product of 378 x 236 x459 x312 is

(a)  4

(b) 2

(c)  8

(d) 6

7 What will be the median of the given data if the mean is 4.5?

5, 7, 7, 8, x, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2

(a)  4.5

(b) 5

(c)  6

(d) 5.5

8 Most important person, related with the method of ‘Analysis of Variance’ in Statistics

(a)  Newton

(b) Laplace

(c)  Gauss

(d) R.A. Fishre

9 The difference and the product of two number are 5 and 36 respectively. Then the difference of their reciprocals is

(a)  9/5

(b) 5/9

(c)  31/36

(d) 5/36

10 Who was the self taught Indian mathematical genius in 20th Century?

(a)  Harish Chandra

(b) Srinivas Ramanujan

(c)  Shridharacharya

(d) Aryabhata

11 The HCF of 14/33, 42/55, 21/22 is

(a)  330/17

(b) 330/7

(c)  17/330

(d) 7/330

12 Which of the following numbers is divisible by 99?

(a)  3572406

(b) 913462

(c)  135792

(d) 114345

13 16075 is divided by a number to give quotient 167 and remainder 43, then divisor is

(a)  86

(b) 96

(c)  56

(d) 76

14 The number of positive prime integers <50 is

(a)  25

(b) 16

(c)  15

(d) 14

15 Twice the larger of two numbers is three more than five times the smaller and the sum of four times the larger and three times the smaller is 71. What are the numbers?

(a)  17, 1

(b) 14, 5

(c)  11, 9

(d) 43, 8

16 A square with a side of 8 cm and a rectangle with length 16 cm have same area. What is the breadth of the rectangle?

(a)  12 cm

(b) 6 cm

(c)  8 cm

(d) 4 cm

17 January 5, 1991 was a Saturday, what day of the week was on March 3, 1992?

(a)  Tuesday

(b) Sunday

(c)  Monday

(d) Saturday

  Data Collected By – Rashmi
  Published On – 13th June 2022








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