UPSC Senior Administrative Officer DRDO Ministry of Defense Paper 2015

UPSC Senior Administrative Officer Grade I DRDO Ministry of Defense Paper 2015

Which one of the following is NOT a trend of industrial relations in the post economic reforms scenario?
(a) Consumers and community have emerged as important actors influencing the industrial relation strategies of both the employers and trade unions
(b) The labour administration and the adjudication machinery are more willing than before to entertain the concerns of the industry
(c) Declining trade union density
(d) Aggressive management practices replaced by more worker activism

Which one of the following statments about workers ‘ Participation in Management in India is WRONG?
(a) The Need for workers participation in Management was emphasized in First and Second Five Year Plans.
(b) It is included in the Directive Principles of State Policy of the Constitution of India
(c) There was a proposal to have a three tier participation at Board, plant and shop-floor levels in 1977, which fizzled out due to the dissolution of the Government at the Centre
(d) Never in the history of Indian industry, Worker Directors operated at the decision-making level

Quality Circles as a grass root level participative management technique was first introduced in which one of the following companies ?
(a) Steel Authority of India Ltd
(b) Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
(c) Bharat Electronics Ltd
(d) Bharat Heavy Plates & Vessels Ltd

The ‘Hot Stove Rule’ governing the disciplinary action is given by
(a) Douglas M. McGregor
(b) Richard P. Chalhoon
(c) Dale S. Beach
(d) Dalton E. McFarland

The Code of Discipline, which was formulated for voluntary regulation of labour-management relations, was ratified by the Indian Labour Conference in the year
(a) 1955
(b) 1956
(c) 1958
(d) 1959

The schemes of ‘Shop Councils’ and ‘Joint Councils’ as forms of Worker’s Participation was introduced under
(a) Forty Second Amendment Act of the Constitution of India
(b) 20 point economic programme
(c) Recommendations of the Indian Labour Conference
(d) Recommendations of the Second National Commission on Labour

Workers’ Participation in Management was included in
(a) Article 41 of the Constitution of India
(b) Article 42 of the Constitution of India
(c) Article 43 A of the Constitution of India
(d) Article 44 of the Constitution of Inda

Which one of the following statements with regard to the Workers Directors scheme in India is NOT correct ?
(a) It was introduced by the Central Government
(b) Initially it was introduced only for public sector manufacturing units
(c) It was introduced only for a few selective nationalized banks
(d) In the banking sector out of two worker Directors, one represents the officiers and the other represents the workers

Which one of the following statements about the Industrial Tripartite Committees is WRONG?
(a) These Committees are constituted with a view to promoting the spirit of tripartism
(b) These Committees deliberate on industry specific problems related to the workers
(c) These Committees are statutory and permanent
(d) These Committees are the outcome of the deliberations at the Indian Labour Conference in 1944

Which one of the following was the first statutory bipartite committee for Workers’ Participation in Management in India?
(a) Safety Committee
(b) Grievance Redressal Committee
(c) Canteen Management Committee
(d) Works Committee






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