UPSC Public Prosecutor Previous Year Paper

UPSC Public Prosecutor Previous Year Paper 2015 | UPSC Public Prosecutor in CBI Question Paper 2015

Exam Date – 27th June 2015

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 The Committee recommending the appointment of the Central Vigilance Commissioner consists of

(a)  The Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister

(b) The Prime Minister, the Union Home Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in the House of People

(c)  The Chief Justice of India and five other senior Judges of the Supreme Court of India

(d) The Prime Minister, the Leaders of Opposition in both the Houses of Parliament and the Union Law Minister

2 The Central Vigilance Commissioner can hold office for a term of

(a)  Four years

(b) Four years or till he attains the age of 67 years whichever is earlier

(c)  Four years or till he attains the age of 65 years whichever is earlier

(d) Five years or till he attains the age of 67 years whichever is earlier

3 On ceasing to hold office, the Central Vigilance Commissioner shall be

(a)  Eligible for further employment to any office under the Government of India

(b) Eligible for any diplomatic assignment only

(c)  Eligible for appointment as an Administrator of a Union Territory

(d) Ineligible for further appointment to any office of profit under the Government

4 The Central Vigilance Commission is duty bound to present to the President a report as to the work done

(a)  Annually

(b) Every three months

(c)  Every six months

(d) At least three times in a year

5 The President shall cause the report of the Central Vigilance Commission to be laid before

(a)  The Lok Sabha

(b) The Rajya Sabha

(c)  Each House of Parliament

(d) A joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament

6 Under the provisions of the Information Technology Act 2000, a digital signature certificate issued by a certifying authority can

(a)  Never be revoked

(b) Be revoked if the subscriber makes a request

(c)  Be revoked depending upon the kind of certificate issued

(d) Be revoked if there is a disagreement between the partners of a firm

7 The Information Technology Act 2000 provides that

(a)  All offences under the Act are compoundable

(b) Offences other than those punishable by imprisonment for life or for a term exceeding three years are compoundable with certain exceptions

(c)  Offences other than those committed against a company or corporation are compoundable

(d) None of the offences under this Act are compoundable

8 For the purpose of Section 13 of the Information Technology Act 2000, if  the originator or the addressee has more than one place of business, which one of the following shall be the place of business?

(a)  Place of residence

(b) Latest place of business

(c)  Principal place of business

(d) Any of the places of business

9 Under the provisions of the Information Technology Act 2000, ‘cyber café’ means

(a)  A place having internet connection

(b) An establishment having internet access

(c)  Any facility from where access to the internet is offered by any person in the ordinary course of business to the member s of the public

(d) An establishment having 24 hours internet access

10 Under the provisions of the Information Technology Act 2000, ‘electronic signature’

(a)  Does not include signature

(b) Includes digital signature

(c)  May include digital signature

(d) Includes digital signature unless expressly excluded

11 According to the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988, which one of the following is NOT correct?

(a)  A Sub Inspector of Delhi Special Police Establishment is authorized to investigate a matter generally without order of the Metropolitan Magistrate/ Magistrate of the first class

(b) In Ahmedabad, an Assistant Commissioner of Police is authorized to investigate a matter generally, without order of the metropolitan Magistrate/ Magistrate of the first class

(c)  In Kanpur,  a Deputy Superintendent of Police is authorized to investigate a matter generally without order of the Metropolitan Magistrate/ Magistrate of the first class

(d) In Mumbai, an Assistant Commissioner of Police is authorized to investigate a mtter generally without order of the Metropolitan Magistrate/ Magistrate of the first class

12 When a statement is made by a bribe giver in a proceeding against a public servant under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988, stating that he offered gratification to the public servant, he :

(a)  Is liable for abetment of the offence.

(b) Shall not be liable on that ground as an abettor

(c)  Will be entitled for a reward under the provisions of the Act

(d) Can be tried jointly with the public servant.

13 The Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 provides for punishment for offences committed by :

(a)  Public servants only

(b) Those who influence public servants by corrupt or illegal means.

(c)  Public servants as well as those who influence the public servants and abet the commission of offences by public servants

(d) Members of Parliament and Legislatures

14 Who out of the following can NOT be Special Judge under the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988?

(a)  Sessions Judge

(b) Chief Judicial Magistrate

(c)  Additional Sessions Judge

(d) Assistant Sessions Judge

15 The maximum number of Special Judges to be appointed under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 for any area can be :

(a)  Five

(b) Three

(c)  Two

(d) As many as necessary

Aspirants also searching the UPSC Assistant Public Prosecutor Previous Question Papers. They are also requested please refer the above paper. 






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