TPSC Engineering Services Electrical Paper 2013

TPSC Engineering Services Electrical Paper 2 | TPSC Engineering Services Electrical Previous Paper

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Tripura Engineering Services Electrical Paper 2013 Diploma Level Paper 2

Sr.No. Questions
1  Unit of inductance is

(a)  Ohm

(b) Columb

(c)  Henry

(d) Farad

2 In a pure capacitive a.c circuit, the current

(a)  Lags behind the voltage

(b) Leads the voltage

(c)  Remain is phase with voltage

(d) Remain 180 degree out of phase with voltage

3 The RMS value of the function f=10 sinwt is equal to

(a)  7

(b) 10

(c)  7.07

(d) 6.37

4 Laplace transformation is a

(a)  Complex frequency transformation

(b) Pure imaginary frequency transformation

(c)  Discrete frequency transformation

(d) None of the above

5 Parallel combination of two resistances R1 and R2 is equal to

(a)  R1+R2

(b) R1x R2/(R1+R2)

(c)  (R1/2)+(R2/2)

(d) R1 x R2

6 Force between two charged particles is called

(a)  Magnetic force

(b) Coulomb force

(c)  Gravitational force

(d) Bouncy force

7 A d.c voltage V is applied to a series RC circuit, Current I at t=0 is equal to

(a)  V/C

(b) V/RC

(c)  VR/C

(d) V/R

8 Phase difference between primary emf and secondary emf in a single phase transformer is

(a)  270 degree

(b) 0 degree

(c)  90 degree

(d) 180 degree

9 Which among the following is a scalar quantity?

(a)  Electric field intensity (E)

(b) Electric potential (V)

(c)  Flux density (B)

(d) Magnetic field intensity (H)

10 A transformer having single winding is called

(a)  Isolation transformer

(b) Auto transformer

(c)  Step up transformer

(d) Step down transformer

11 Which of the following elements block d.c in steady  state condition?

(a)  Inductor

(b) Capacitor

(c)  Resistor

(d) PN junction diode

12 A thyristor consists of junction

(a)  PN

(b) PNP

(c)  PNPN


13 Under mentioned which element is an unidirectional element?

(a)  Diode

(b) Resistor

(c)  Capacitor

(d) Inductor

14 Which type of motor does NOT have self starting torque?

(a)  3-phase induction motor

(b) D.C series motor

(c)  D.C shunt motor

(d) Synchronous motor

15 Application of proportional plus derivative control gives rise to

(a)  Damping factor

(b) Peak time

(c)  Rise time

(d) Peak overshoot

16 In a high pass filter

(a)  Gain is low at high frequency

(b) Gain is high at high frequency

(c)  Gain is low at low frequency

(d) Gain is high at low frequency

17 Material used for transistor is

(a)  Semi conductor

(b) Super conductor

(c)  Conductor

(d) Insulator

18 Multi vibrator is a

(a)  Sine wave generator

(b) Square wave generator

(c)  Pulse train generator

(d) Triangular wave generator

19 For an ideal OPAMP

(a)  Output impedance is infinite

(b) Output impedance is finite

(c)  Input impedance is infinite

(d) Input impedance is finite

20 Field effect transistor is a

(a)  VCVS (Voltage controlled voltage source)

(b) CCCS (Current controlled current source)

(c)  CCVS (Current controlled voltage source)

(d) VCCS (Voltage controlled current source)

21 In a Thyristor, pulse is given to

(a)  Gate terminal

(b) Anode terminal

(c)  Cathode terminal

(d) None of the above

22 Type of earthing provided in electrical installation is

(a)  Pipe earthing

(b) Plate earthing

(c)  Strip earthing

(d) All of the above

23 The minimum value of current after which a thyristor gets ON is called

(a)  Holding current

(b) Conduction current

(c)  Latching current

(d) Displacement current

24 For a DC signal

(a)  RMS value is greater than average value

(b) RMS value is twice the average value

(c)  Average value is greater than RMS value

(d) Average value and RMS value are same

28 Which type of fault does not have zero sequence current component?

(a)  Line to line ground fault

(b) 3-phase short circuit

(c)  Line to line fault

(d) Light to ground fault

29 Linear variable differential transformer measures

(a)  Velocity

(b) Temperature

(c)  Current

(d) Small displacement

30 Which of the following statements is correct?

(a)  Secondary of a current transformer should remain always shorted

(b) Primary of a current transformer should always be shorted

(c)  Secondary of a potential should always be shorted

(d) Secondary of a current transformer should always be kept open

31 A current i(t) = 5 sinwt is passed through a permanent magnet moving coil instrument. The reading in the instrument will be

(a)  5 Amps

(b) 0 Amps

(c)  3.5 Amps

(d) 3 Amps

32 CRO  uses

(a)  Electro-magnetic focussing

(b) Electro static focussing

(c)  Both types of focussing

(d) None of these

33 The minimum value of a quantity measured by an instrument is called

(a)  Sensitivity

(b) Accuracy

(c)  Percentage of error

(d) Resolution

34 The internal resistance of a voltmeter should be

(a)  Very low

(b) Very high

(c)  Dependent on range of voltmeter

(d) None of the above

35 AC techo-generator gives voltage output proportionate to

(a)  RPM input

(b) Acceleration input

(c)  Input current

(d) Input voltage

36 A galvanometer has

(a)  Air friction damping

(b) Spring controlled damping

(c)  Eddy current damping

(d) Fluid friction damping

37 A flip flop is a

(a)  MOD 4 counter

(b) MOD 8 counter

(c)  MOD 16 counter

(d) MOD 2 counter

38 Capacitor in an ac circuit is provided for

(a)  Improving power factor

(b) Decreasing eddy current loss

(c)  Minimize bysteresis loss

(d) Increasing the frequency

39 The resistance of the earth is

(a)  Infinite

(b) Near zero

(c)  1 M- Ohm

(d) 20 M-Ohm








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