TNPSC Curator Zoology Previous Year Question Paper 2010

TNPSC Curator Zoology Old Question Paper 2010


TNPSC – Curator & Asst.Curator – 2010 – Zoology
Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. In radiolarians

(a)    Marine rhizopoda with body protoplasm is divided into and outer and an inner parts

(b)   The inner one is being enclosed in a porous capsule

(c)    Pseudopodia are slender and radiating but not supported by stiff axes

(d)   All of these

2. Which one of the following  is a freshwater formainifer?

(a)    Elphidium

(b)   Gromia

(c)    Nodosaria

(d)   Clathrulina

3. The order radioloria is divided into 4 suborders based on

(a)    The arrangement of the pores on the central capsule

(b)   The number of chambers in the capsule

(c)    The number and pseudopodia

(d)   The composition of shell

4. The pyramids of Egypt were carved from the limestone deposits made by the tests of

(a)    Arcella

(b)   Miliolina

(c)    Nummulites

(d)   Difflugia

5. In which of the following is the shell multilocular consisting of chambers arranged successively in a straight line?

(a)    Floscularia

(b)   Nodosaria

(c)    Textularid

(d)   Allogromia

6. The coordinated movements of cilia in paramecium is called

(a)    Rheorhythm

(b)   Metachronal rhythm

(c)    Cyclosis

(d)   Contractile rhythm

7. The shelled planktonic protozoan having floating devices in the form of vacuoles and spines is

(a)    Globigerina

(b)   Elphidium

(c)    Gromia

(d)   Allogromia

8. The foraminifer occurring both in the freshwater and in the marine water is

(a)    Allogromia

(b)   Nodosaria

(c)    Floscularia

(d)   Textularid

9. The locomotory organelle of forminifera is

(a)    Lobopodia

(b)   Filopodia

(c)    Axopodia

(d)   Reticulopodia

10. Globigering and polystomella belong to the order

(a)    Lobosa

(b)   Foraminifera

(c)    Heliozoa

(d)   Radiolaria

11. The exotic glass rope sponge is

(a)    Euplectella

(b)   Hyalanema

(c)    Pheronema

(d)   Monorphis

12. The sponge Euplectella is commonly called as

(a)    Venus flower basket

(b)   Sea fern

(c)    Sea lilly

(d)   Sea fan

13. Physalia is commonly known as

(a)    Portugese man-of-war

(b)   Sea float

(c)    Sea cucumber

(d)   Sea potato

14. Alycyonium is commonly known as

(a)    Sea fan

(b)   Sea pen

(c)    Dead man’s finger

(d)   Red coral

15. Gorgonia is otherwise known as

(a)    Sea pen

(b)   Sea fan

(c)    Organ pipe coral

(d)   Red coral

16. Consider the following statements:

I.                    Polymorphism is often seen in coelenterates

II.                  Coelenterates are mostly marine

III.                Coelenterates usually exhibit radial symmetry

IV.                Many coelenterates are triploblastic

Of these statements:

(a)    I alone is correct

(b)   I and II are correct

(c)    I, II and III are correct

(d)   All are correct

17. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a)    Multicellular animals arose from a group of multinucleated ciliates

(b)   The ancestral metazoans arose from a spherical, hollow colonial flagellate

(c)    From a radially symmetrical planuloid ancestor the lower metazoans are believed to have arisen

(d)   All of these

18. Great barrier reef is found in

(a)    South-west of Australia

(b)   South-east of Australia

(c)    North-west of Australia

(d)   North-east of Australia

19. A remarkable degree of polymorphism is seen in

(a)    Physalia

(b)   Halistemma

(c)    Velella

(d)   Porpita

20. According to Darwin’s subsidence theory, the reef formation occurred by/ developed

(a)    Gradual sinking of barrier reef that became an atoll

(b)   On pre-existing flat platforms

(c)    Drawing water from ocean to form the great ice caps during the last glacial period

(d)   More growth at the outer edges and dissolution of the inner regions

  Published on 17th Oct 2021






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