TNPSC Curator Ancient History Paper 2010

TNPSC Curator Ancient History Previous Year Question Paper 2010


TNPSC – Curator & Asst.Curator – 2010 – Ancient – History
Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. Consider the following statements:

I.                    Coins play vital role in realm of the religious history

II.                  Coins supplement the literary and epigraphical accounts for reconstructing the political history

III.                Coins play only for transaction

IV.                Coins have aesthetic and artistic value

Of the statements

(a)    I alone is correct

(b)   I & II are correct

(c)    I, II and III are correct

(d)   All are correct

2. Kodungain is an extension of

(a)    Potika

(b)   Kapotaka

(c)    Sikhara

(d)   Adisthana

3. Sarabha is a form of

(a)    Vishnu

(b)   Muruga

(c)    Siva

(d)   Mahavira

4. What among the following is inorganic object?

(a)    Birch bark

(b)   Ivory

(c)    Glass

(d)   Papyrus

5. Terracotta figures are fired at about

(a)    1150°C

(b)   1015°C

(c)    150°C

(d)   300°C

6. Kharavela ruled the territory of

(a)    Andhra

(b)   Western Deccan

(c)    Kalinga

(d)   Central India

7. Teri is  a _______ site.

(a)    Palacolithic

(b)   Neolithic

(c)    Mesolithic

(d)   Chalcolithic

8. Hieun Tsang visited the Chalukya kingdom during the rule of

(a)    Kirtivarman I

(b)   Vijayadhitya

(c)    Pulakesin II

(d)   Kitivarman II

9. Western devakoshta of a Siva temple contains

(a)    Dakshinamurti

(b)   Durga

(c)    Brahma

(d)   Lingodbhava

10. Sasta is sometimes shown seated on

(a)    Cat

(b)   Rat

(c)    Elephant

(d)   Rabbit

11. What is patina?

(a)    A museum in Bihar

(b)   Protective film around the object

(c)    A tribal object

(d)   Musical instrument

12. ‘Baked Earth’ is called

(a)    Clay

(b)   Porcelain

(c)    Stone

(d)   Terracotta

13. The introducer of prasasti portion in the inscription was

(a)    Kautilya

(b)   Panini

(c)    Harisena

(d)   None of them

14. Mahasamanthas of the pandya period were in charge of

(a)    Treasury

(b)   Army

(c)    Agriculture

(d)   Temples

15. The Ancient Monuments Preservations Act was enacted in the year

(a)    1905

(b)   1904

(c)    1958

(d)   1899

16. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(a)    Pottery Assistant is in charge of pottery yard

(b)   Excavation Assistant is to assist the Director

(c)    Site Supervisor is the Chief of the excavation

(d)   Antiquity Assistant is responsible for objects retrieved from the excavation

17. The erected stones in the Megalithic burials are called

(a)    Cairn circle

(b)   Dolmen

(c)    Menhirs

(d)   None of these

18. Which of the following is not required for an exploration?

(a)    Pick axe

(b)   Camera

(c)    Scaffolding

(d)   Site notebook

19. A human fossil at Narmada valley was discovered by

(a)    Wheeler

(b)   Arun Sonakia

(c)    J.C. Sharma

(d)   A.Ranga Rao

20. Among the following which is the Gupta temple?

(a)    Pavrvati temple at Nachna Kuthara

(b)   Vishnu temple at Kanchipuram

(c)    Siva temple at Khajuraho

(d)   Kailasa temple at Ellora

  Published on 19th Oct 2021






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