TNPSC Assistant Curator Geology Paper 2010

TNPSC Assistant Curator Geology Previous Year Question Paper 2010


TNPSC – Curator & Asst.Curator – 2010 – Geology
Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(a)    Potassium     – Orthoclase

(b)   Magnesium   – Calcite

(c)    Calcium          – Apatite

(d)   Iron                 – Magnesite

2. We serve four cations in groundwater. Arrange them in decreasing order of abundance:

(a)    Potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium

(b)   Sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium

(c)    Magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium

(d)   Calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium

3. Salty taste of groundwater is due to

(a)    Chloride in excess of 100 gm/L causes a salty taste

(b)   Water containing nitrate more than 100 gm/L is bitter taste

(c)    Potassium imparts salty taste to groundwater

(d)   Water containing sulphate above 500 gm/L imparts bitter taste.

4. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(a)    Darcy’s law                            – Reynolds number is less than one

(b)   Turbulent flow                      – Clay

(c)    Laminar flow                          – Large pores

(d)   Low hydraulic conductivity – Small pores

5. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(a)    Primary porosity                – Secondary interstices

(b)   Secondary porosity           – Original interstices

(c)    Effective porosity              – Ratio of to interstices total volume of rock

(d)   Supercapillary intensities – Water is held by adhesive forces

6. The muscovite mica deposit of Nellore occurs in which of the following host rocks?

(a)    Schists

(b)   Gneisses

(c)    Granite

(d)   Pegmatite

7. Barite deposits occur in

(a)    Gulcheru quartzites

(b)   Vempalle limestones

(c)    Tadpatri shales

(d)   Kolamnala shales

8. The Cuddapah supergroup of rocks are overlain by

(a)    Precambrian basement

(b)   Kurnool group

(c)    Kaladgi group

(d)   Pakhal group

9. The rocks which shows a relatively higher degree of metamorphism than the Dharwar is

(a)    Closepet granite

(b)   Fundamental gneiss

(c)    Sargur schist

(d)   None of these

10. The uncoiled ammonite characteristic of Uttattur formations are

(a)    Scaphites and turrilites

(b)   Turrilites and anisoceras

(c)    Anisoceras and scaphites

(d)   All of these

11. The radiometric age of the Deccan basalt that flows from Mumbai is

(a)    30 – 40 million years

(b)   60 – 65 million years

(c)    50 – 55 million years

(d)   None of these

12. Sills of the Deccan traps which are noted in Satpura area of Madhya Pradesh are present in

(a)    Lower Gondwana formations

(b)   Upper Gondwana formations

(c)    Jurassic formations

(d)   None of these

13. The index fossil of Cretaceous –Eocene boundary which occur in Trichy Cretaceous formations is

(a)    Orbitoides media

(b)   Cardita jaquinoti

(c)    Siderolites calcitrapoides

(d)   None of these

14. The index fossil of Danian on the Indian subcontinent is

(a)    Lenticulina

(b)   Robulus

(c)    Cardita beaumonti

(d)   Operculina

15. In the case of deformed rocks the top and bottom of beds are determined with the help of

(a)    Current bedding

(b)   Graded bedding

(c)    Current ripple marks

(d)   All of these

16. A graptolite showing the reversal of evolutionary trend is

(a)    Dicellograptus

(b)   Climacograptus

(c)    Dicranograptus

(d)   None of these

17. Graptolites are most common and abundant in

(a)    Sandstone

(b)   Limestone

(c)    Black shales

(d)   None of these

18. The two fixed cheeks together with the glabella in trilobites constitute the

(a)    Cranidium

(b)   Rostrum

(c)    Doublure

(d)   None of these

19. Cells with ammonite suture appear first in

(a)    Permian

(b)   Devonian

(c)    Cretaceous

(d)   None of these

20. The age of Cypridea is

(a)    Miocene

(b)   Pliocene

(c)    Oligocene

(d)   Pleistocene

  Published on – 16th Oct 2021






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