Solapur University Paper on Advanced Digital Design With VHDL

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Electronics (Semester-III)-2019-On Advanced Digital Design With VHDL

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. The______ are the programming technologies used for PLD.

(a)    SRAM

(b)   EPROM

(c)    Flash

(d)   All of these

2. The FPGA architecture are based on _______ to generate logic functions.

(a)    LUT

(b)   Multiplexer

(c)    Macrocell

(d)   Both a & b

3. The VHDL supports ____ design methodology

(a)    Top-down

(b)   Bottom-up

(c)    Mixed

(d)   All of these

4. The generate statement is _____ statement

(a)    Sequential

(b)   Concurrent

(c)    Process

(d)   All of these

5. The _______ adding operator used in VHDL

(a)    ‘+’

(b)   ‘_‘

(c)    ‘&’

(d)   All of these

6. The meaning of ‘H’ is ______ in Data Types sTD_LOGIC_1164

(a)    High

(b)   1

(c)    Weak 1

(d)   All of these

7. The GENERIC statement is declared in _____ of the VHDL code.

(a)    Architecture

(b)   Entity

(c)    Process

(d)   All of these

8. The mode of ports in entity declaration are ____ types.

(a)    2

(b)   3

(c)    4

(d)   5

9. The _____ statement provides an alternate way to suspend the execution of a process.

(a)    Wait

(b)   Loop

(c)    Generate

(d)   Halt

10. The ____ is one of the way of design entry in the CAD process.

(a)    HDL

(b)   VHDL

(c)    Verilog

(d)   All of these

11. The generic and constant values are assigned by _____ assignment operator.

(a)    <=

(b)   :=

(c)    =:

(d)   =>

12. The extended identifier is a sequence of character written between two _____

(a)    Under score

(b)   Forward slashes

(c)    Back slashes

(d)   Hash

13. The back end design is used to create ____ source of design.

(a)    Technology

(b)   Physical

(c)    Logic

(d)   Circuit

14. The exit and next statements are used ____ loop statement

(a)    Outside

(b)   Inside

(c)    Both a & b

(d)   Before

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on -15th Nov 2021






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