Solapur University M.Sc Electronics Sem-II Paper 2019 On OPTO Electronics

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Electronics (Semester-II)-2019-On OPTO Electronics

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. A _______ consist of two adjoining semiconductor material with different band-gap energies.

(a)    n-region

(b)   heterojunction

(c)    p-region

(d)   diffusion region

2. The LED is a _______ source of light.

(a)    Incoherent

(b)   Coherent

(c)    Monochromatic

(d)   All of these

3. Which of the following does not supports the soot formation process?

(a)    OVPO

(b)   MCVD

(c)    PCVD

(d)   All of these

4. In lambertian output pattern of LED, the source is ____ bright from all direction.

(a)    Less

(b)   Equally

(c)    More

(d)   Unpredictably

5. The ____ are known as first order effect.

(a)    Pocket effect

(b)   Magnetic effect

(c)    Acoustic effect

(d)   Kerr effect

6. The tight-buffered cable design structure nominally used ____ application.

(a)    Indoor cable

(b)   Outdoor cable

(c)    Aerial cable

(d)   None of these

7. _____ are responsible for generating attenuation of an optical power in fiber.

(a)    Absorption

(b)   Scattering

(c)    Waveguide effect

(d)   All of these

8. The ____ crystal is an example of uniaxial crystal

(a)    Calcite

(b)   Tourmaline

(c)    Quartz

(d)   All of these

9. The optical fiber is made up of ____

(a)    Plastic

(b)   Glass

(c)    Silica

(d)   Ceramic

10. In PIN photodiode, the time it takes for an electron or hole to recombine is known as ____

(a)    Carrier lifetime

(b)   Diffusion length

(c)    Photocurrent

(d)    Photo carrier

11. The fiber ____ is a permanent or semi permanent joint between two fiber.

(a)    Connector

(b)   Coupler

(c)    Splice

(d)   All of these

12. The ____ is a created by hetero-junction at collector-base junction.

(a)    Potential barrier

(b)   Depletion region

(c)    Inductance

(d)   Capacitance

13. The spectral response of an ideal photo detector depicts its efficiency as a function of ____

(a)    Amplitude

(b)   Frequency

(c)    Period

(d)   Wavelength

14. In cable, water is prevented from filling the spaces with ____ resistant compounds.

(a)    Pressure

(b)   Temperature

(c)    Moisture

(d)   Stress

  Data Collected By – K.Jeyanthi
  Published on – 14th Nov 2021







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