Solapur University M.Sc AGPM Paper 2019 On Chemistry of Pesticides and Their Formulation – II

 Solapur-University-M.Sc-AGPM-(Semester-II)-2019-On Chemistry of Pesticides and Their Formulation – II

Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. Chlorobenside is prepared by reaction between p-chlorothiophenolate and _____

(a)    P-chlorobenzyl chloride

(b)   Benzyl chloride

(c)    Benzyl alcohol

(d)   p-chlorobenzyl alcohol

2. Condensation of sodium of phthalimide with pechlor gives _____

(a)    propanil

(b)   paraquat

(c)    captan

(d)   phthalans

3. Urea derivatives are used as:

(a)    Fungicides

(b)   Herbicides

(c)     Rodenticides

(d)   Weedicides

4. Methiuron is derivative of ____

(a)    Urea

(b)   Oxalic acid

(c)    Thiourea

(d)   Phthalic acid

5. Thiodan is trade name of _____

(a)    Endosulphan

(b)   Dicofol

(c)    Butachlor

(d)   Indiane

6. Reaction between  – naphthol and methyl isocynate gives

(a)    Methomyl

(b)   Carbofuran

(c)    Carbaryl

(d)   Aldicarb

7. Reaction of Benzene with Chlorine in presence of sunlight gives____

(a)    Chlorbenzene

(b)   O-O- dichlorobenzene

(c)    Pentachlorobenzene

(d)   Benzene hexochloride

8. Reaction between diammonium ethylene dithiocarbamate with zinc sulphate gives _____

(a)    Ziram

(b)   Zineb

(c)    Maneb

(d)   All the above

9. The carbonate ziram is used as _____

(a)    Weedicide

(b)   Insecticide

(c)    Acaricide

(d)   Fungicide

10. Stability of Boardex mixture is increased by addition of ____

(a)    Inorganic salts

(b)   Organic chemical

(c)    Sugar and jaggary

(d)   All the above

11. Which of the following pesticide is used as seed and foliage protectant?

(a)    Cuprous sulphate

(b)   Cuprous carbonate

(c)    Cuprous chloride

(d)   Cuprous oxide

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 30th Oct 2021







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