Shivaji University M. Lib. Sem-I Paper on Information Analysis, Repackaging and Consolidation April 2017

Objective Questions on Information Analysis, Repackaging and Consolidation



Sr. No. Question
1 Artificial intelligence is intelligence exhibited by ______

(a)    Expert from arts

(b)   Common man

(c)    Machine

(d)   All the above

2 An expert system is a computer program that -______

(a)    Uses artificial intelligence

(b)   Converts the knowledge of an expert in a specific subject

(c)    Emulates the decision -making ability of a human expert

(d)   All the above

3 _________ is the contribution of information to any media and most especially to digital media for an end user is specific contexts.

(a)    Content analysis

(b)   Content creation

(c)    Information repackaging

(d)   Information analysis

4 ___________abstract is based on the frequency count of occurrence of significant words in a document and high use words in the sentence.

(a)    Auto

(b)   Slanted

(c)    Indicative

(d)   Graphic

5 PRECIS was developed for use is ________

(a)    BNB

(b)   INB

(c)    IBM

(d)   Unicode

6 The rationships of terms represented in thesaurus from generic to specific are called _____

(a)    Broader terms

(b)   Synonyms

(c)    Related terms

(d)   Narrower terms

7 SDI is an example of __________

(a)    Information analysis

(b)   Repackaging of information

(c)    Thesaurus

(d)   Content creation

8 The title of thesaurus devised by P.M. Roget was ______

(a)    Thesaurus of English words

(b)   Thesaurus of English phrases

(c)    Thesaurus of English phrases and words

(d)   Thesaurus of English words and phrases

9 DDC is an example of ______

(a)    Pre-coordinated indexing system

(b)   Post co ordinated indexing system

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   None of these

10 Chemical abstract is published _________

(a)    Monthly

(b)   Quarterly

(c)    Weekly

(d)   Fortnightly

  Published 11th Oct 2021






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