RPSC Assistant Conservator of Forest Statistics Paper

RPSC – Assistant – Conservator – of – Forest – Statistics – Paper – 2011

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. From a histogram we can find

(a)    Arithmetic mean

(b)   Median

(c)    Mode

(d)   Harmonic mean

2. In a set of 6 observations 8, 12, 40, 15, 35, 25 the value of median is

(a)    20

(b)   15

(c)    40

(d)   None of the above

3. The ideal measure of central tendency is

(a)    Geometric mean

(b)   Mode

(c)    Arithmetic mean

(d)   Median

4. Statics deals with

(a)    Qualitative data

(b)   Quantitative data

(c)    (a) and (b) both

(d)   None of (a) and (b)

5. Which measure of central tendency is least affected by sampling fluctuations?

(a)    Median

(b)   Mode

(c)    Arithmetic mean

(d)   Harmonic mean

6. The mode is defined as

(a)    Highest frequency

(b)   Largest observation

(c)    The observation with largest frequency

(d)   None of the above

7. A class of 24 boys and 16 girls is given a test in statistics, the mean marks obtained by boys and girls respectively are 15 and 10. The mean of the whole class is

(a)    12.5

(b)   13.0

(c)    13.5

(d)   14.0

8. The geometric mean of 40, 50 and x is 10, then the value of x is:

(a)     1

(b)   2

(c)    4

(d)   ½

9. Which of the following is an objective of classification?

(a)    To condense and simplify the data

(b)   To bring similarities and dissimillerties

(c)    To help comparison

(d)   All the above

10. If F(x) is the cumulative distribution of a random variable then for which value of x F(x) will be ¾ ?

(a)    First quartile

(b)   Second quartile

(c)    Third quartile

(d)   Mean

11. The observation of height of 25 students of Class V are taken. If the height of a 6 feet teacher is also included then which measure of central tendency is most affected?

(a)    Arithmetic mean

(b)   Geometric mean

(c)    Harmonic mean

(d)   Median

12. The arithmetic mean of two numbers is 5 and their geometric mean is 4. Then the numbers are

(a)    (6, 4)

(b)   (8, 2)

(c)    (4, 4)

(d)   None of the above

13. Which of the graphical method is used to find mode?

(a)    Pie diagram

(b)   Frequency polygen

(c)    Ogive curve

(d)   All the above

14. From the less than Ogive curve which of the following can be determined?

(a)    First quartile

(b)   Second quartile

(c)    Third quartile

(d)   All the above

15. The relative frequencies in a histogram are proportional to

(a)    Height of the rectangle

(b)   Width of the rectangle

(c)    The diagonal of the rectangle

(d)   All the above

16. When the observations are equal the relation between AM, GM and HM is

(a)    AM = GM = HM

(b)   AM < GM < HM

(c)    AM > GM > HM

(d)   AM < HM < GM

17. The mean deviation of observations is minimum when they are taken from

(a)    Zero

(b)   Mean

(c)    Median

(d)   Mode

18. Standard deviation is minimum if deviations are taken from:

(a)    Zero

(b)   Mean

(c)    Median

(d)   Mode

19. Which of the following measures of dispersion depends on all the observations?

(a)    Standard deviation

(b)   Mean deviation

(c)    Coefficient of variation

(d)   All the above

20. For any discreate distribution the standard deviation is

(a)    Not less than mean deviation from mean

(b)   Less than mean deviation from median

(c)    Equal to mean deviation from mean

(d)   Not less than mean deviation from zero

21. Which measure of location will be suitable to compare sale of shirts with different collar size?

(a)    Mean

(b)   Mode

(c)    Median

(d)   None of the above

22. If two independent series of observations are to be compared, which is most suitable measure from the following?

(a)    Standard deviation

(b)   Mean deviation

(c)    Range

(d)   Coefficient of variation

23. The coefficient of variation has

(a)    No unit

(b)   Same as unit of mean of observations

(c)    Same as unit of observations

(d)   Same as unit of variance of observation

24. The width of class interval depends on

(a)    The range of data

(b)   The number of class interval to be made

(c)    The type of data

(d)   All the above

25. Whether classification is done first or tabulation?

(a)    Classification follows tabulation

(b)   Tabulation follows classification

(c)    Both are done simultaneously

(d)   None of the above

  Data Collected By –  K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 12th Dec 2021







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