RPSC Assistant Conservator of Forest Mathematics Paper

RPSC – Assistant – Conservator – of – Forest – Mathematics – Paper – 2011

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. For positive integers a and b gcd (a, b) lcm (a, b) equals

(a)    a + b

(b)   ab

(c)    a – b

(d)    a/b

2. Square of any integer can be of the form

(a)    3k only, k is an integer

(b)   (3k + 1) only, k is an integer

(c)    3k or (3k+1) is an integer

(d)   (3k+2), k is an integer

3. Number 1571724 is not divisible by which of the following numbers?

(a)    4

(b)   6

(c)    8

(d)   11

4. bc(b – c) + ca(c-a) + ab (a-b) equals

(a)    (b+c)(c+a)(a+b)

(b)   –(b-c) (c-a) (a-b)

(c)    –(b+c) (c+a) (a+b)

(d)   (b-c) (c-a) (a-b)

5. If A, G and H are respectively A.M., GM. And H.M. between two terms a and b, then

(a)    G > H > A

(b)   G > A > H

(c)    H > G > A

(d)   A > G > H

6. If in an A.P. the sum of the first 10 terms is three times the sum of first five terms then the ratio of common difference and first term is

(a)    1

(b)   1/2

(c)    1/3

(d)   1/4

7. In an A.P. the ratio of 7th term to 3rd term is 12 : 5. The ratio of its 13th term to 4th term will be

(a)    13 : 4

(b)   10 : 3

(c)    4 : 1

(d)   3 : 1

8. Sum of all natural numbers between 200 and 400 which are divisible by 7 is

(a)    8730

(b)   8729

(c)    8732

(d)   8736

9. Square root of 2 is

(a)    An integer

(b)   Rational number

(c)    Irrational

(d)   Imaginary number

10. If in a G.P. the common ratio is r, last term is l and the sum is s, then the first term is

(a)    Ir + (r – 1)s

(b)   rl – (r – 1)s

(c)    rs – (r – 1)l

(d)   rs + (r – 1)l

11. The ratio of H.M. and GM. Of two positive numbers is 4 : 5. The ratio of numbers will be

(a)    2 : 3

(b)   4 : 1

(c)    4 : 3

(d)   4 : 5

12. Between ½ and 3, 4 A.M.s are inserted. The sum of these inserted means is

(a)    7

(b)   5

(c)    6

(d)   8

13. Three numbers whose sum is 18 are in A.P. If 2, 4, 11 are added respectively they are in GP. The biggest number for positive common difference is

(a)    9

(b)   10

(c)    18

(d)   22

14. How many numbers greater than 1,000 but less than 4,000 can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 when the repetition of digits is allowed?

(a)    374

(b)   240

(c)    375

(d)   625

15. In how many ways can 6 prizes be distributed among 5 boys when each boy is eligible for an number of prizes?

(a)    30

(b)   3125

(c)    7776

(d)   15625

16. A man has 7 friends. The number of ways of inviting one or more of them on a dinner are

(a)    128

(b)   127

(c)    64

(d)   63

17. In a tournament 61 matches were played. If every team played with every other team, the number of teams were

(a)    23

(b)   13

(c)    13

(d)   11

18. Number of triangles formed by joining 15 points when 7 of them are in the same straight line, is

(a)    455

(b)   420

(c)    210

(d)   315

19. Number of numbers, that can be formed with digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 so that odd digits always occupy odd places is

(a)    24

(b)   18

(c)    12

(d)   6

20. Number of ways 8 boys can sit around a circle table is

(a)    360

(b)   720

(c)    2520

(d)   5040

21. The system of equations x – y+3z=6, x+3y-3z = -4, 5x+3y+3 = 10 has

(a)    No Solution

(b)   Unique solution

(c)    Finitely many solutions

(d)   Infinitely many solutions

22. In an examination 44% students failed in Hindi, 52% failed in English. If 21% failed in both languages, then out 76 students number of students passed in both language is

(a)    17

(b)   18

(c)    19

(d)   20

23. At a point A, the angle of elevation of a tower is such that its tangent is 5/12, on walking 240 meters nearer to the tower, the tangent of angle of elevation is 3/4, the height of tower is

(a)    200 meters

(b)   215 meters

(c)    225 meters

(d)   250 meters

24. The median of the observations 15, 0, 4, 1.5, -6, 1 is

(a)    2.00

(b)   1.50

(c)    1.25

(d)   1.00

25. An empirical relation (approximately) between Mean, Median and Mode of a set of data is

(a)    (Mean – Mode ) = (Mean – Median)

(b)   (Mean – Mode ) = 3(Mode – Median)

(c)    (Mean – Mode ) = 3(Mode – Mean)

(d)   (Mean – Mode ) = 3(Mean – Median)

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 18th Dec 2021







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