RPSC Assistant Conservator of Forest Chemical Paper

RPSC – Assistant – Conservator – of – Forest – Chemical – Paper – 2011

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. The equation of continuity applies to

(a)    Incompressible fluids

(b)   Compressible fluids

(c)    Highly viscous fluids

(d)   Both incompressible and compressible fluids

2. Cavitation will not occur if the sum of the velocity and pressure heads at the suction is

(a)    Zero

(b)   Much larger than the vapour pressure of the liquid

(c)    Much smaller than vapour pressure of the liquid

(d)   Equal to the vapour pressure of the liquid

3. In constant – pressure filtration,

(a)    The filtrate flow rate is maximum at the start and decreases continuously to the end

(b)   The filtrate flow rate is minimum at the start and increases continuously to the end

(c)    The filtrate flow rate is constant throughout,

(d)   Increases slowly to a constant value

4. Monel is an alloy of

(a)    Iron and silicon

(b)   Copper and chromium

(c)    Nickel and molybdenum

(d)   Copper and nickel

5. Which of the following metals is called metallic glass?

(a)    Lead

(b)   Molybdenum

(c)    Tantalum

(d)   Titanium

6. A rotary drum filter is –

(a)    A continuous vacuum filter

(b)   A discontinuous pressure filter

(c)    A continuous pressure filter

(d)   None of the above

7. The major material of construction in a soda ash plant is

(a)    Cast iron

(b)   PVC

(c)    Graphite

(d)   Stainless steel

8. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel is due to the

(a)    Function of a thin oxide film on the surface

(b)   Formation of graphite carbon on the surface

(c)    Formation of graphitic carbon on the surface

(d)   Formation of an inert Fe – c – Fe type complex chain

(e)   None of the following

9. The triple point of most fluids is close to

(a)    Boiling point

(b)   Melting point

(c)    Critical point

(d)   None of these

10. The chemical potential of a species is an ideal solution depends on

(a)    Temperature

(b)   Pressure

(c)    Composition of solution

(d)   All of these

11. A mixture of ideal gases is an ideal solution

(a)    Never

(b)   Only at low pressure

(c)    Only at low pressure and temperature well above critical point

(d)   Always

12. Mercaptans present in light distillates are removed by extraction with

(a)    Concentrated sulfuric acid solution

(b)   Concentrated phosphoric acid solution

(c)    Aqueous caustic soda solution

(d)   None of these

13. The operation which is employed for the removal of caffeine from coffee is

(a)    Adsorption

(b)   Crystallization

(c)    Solvent extraction

(d)   Fractional distillation

14. Adsorption of a gas onto a solid

(a)    Is an exothermic process

(b)   Is an endothermic process

(c)    Does not product any heat effect

(d)   May be exothermic or endothermic, depending on the system

15. Absorptivity for a blackbody is

(a)    Zero

(b)   0.5

(c)    1.0

(d)   None of the above

16. In a fin tube heat exchanger,

(a)    Only heat transfer area is augmented

(b)   Only heat transfer coefficient is augmented

(c)    Both heat transfer area and heat transfer coefficient are augmented

(d)   None of the above

17. For laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in pipes, the ratio of average velocity to maximum velocity is equal to

(a)    0.5

(b)   1.0

(c)    1.5

(d)   2.0

18. Forces acting on a particle settling in fluid are

(a)    Gravitational and buoyant forces

(b)   Centrifugal and drag forces

(c)    Gravitational or centrifugal, buoyant and drag forces

(d)   External, drug and viscous forces

19. Sedimentation of commercial scale occurs in

(a)    Classifiers

(b)   Rotary drum filters

(c)    Thickeners

(d)   Cyclones

20. Material of construction for heat exchanger tubes handling sea water is

(a)    Mild steel

(b)   Stainless steel

(c)    Cupro – nickel alloys (70 % Cu, 30 % Ni)

(d)   Aluminium

21. Which of the following plots is called Mollier diagram?

(a)    h-s

(b)   h- P

(c)    T-s

(d)   None of these

22. Van-der Waal’s equation of state improved over the ideal gas equation of state with the following assumptions

(a)    Infinitestimal molecular volume

(b)   No inter molecular force

(c)    Both (a) and (b)

(d)   None of the above

23. In which type of impeller used in liquid agitation, flow is coaxial?

(a)    Turbine

(b)   Propeller

(c)    Paddle

(d)   None of these

24. Final control element is a

(a)    Valve

(b)   Switch

(c)    Signal

(d)   None of these

25. In petroleum industry, which of the flow meters is normally used for heavy liquids characterized by high viscosity?

(a)    Nutating disc meter

(b)   Orifice meter

(c)    Nozzle

(d)   Rotating vane/lobe meter

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 14th Dec 2021







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