Rashtra Gaurav and Environmental Studies Syllabus

Lucknow University Rashtra Gaurav and Environmental Studies Syllabus

यदि आप लखनऊ यूनिवर्सिटी के B.A, B.Com & B.Sc Part I,II & III के छात्र हो और Rashtra Gaurav and Environmental Studies Syllabus को ढूंढ रहे हो तो आप सही जगह पर आये हो इस आर्टिकल में हम आपके समक्ष Lucknow University Rashtra Gaurav and Environmental Studies Syllabus प्रस्तुत कर रहे है जो आपके उपयोगी होगा


Unit Topics
I 1. Indian society: unity in diversity.

2. Indian culture: art forms, literature and architecture in India from ancient to modern times.

3. Issues of gender equality and roles of women organizations.

4. Issues of poverty, development and urbanization.

5. Social empowerment.

6. National and International awards and awardees.

II 1. Impact of globalization on Indian Society: Education, Health and Economy.

2. Development of Science and Technology in India.

3. Issues relating to intellectual property rights.

4. Cultural Heritage and Important Tourist Destinations.

III 1. Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies.

2. Definition, scope and importance.

3. Need for public awareness.

4. Natural resources and associated problems.

a) Forest resources: use and over- exploitation, deforestation

b) Water resources: use and over- utilization of surface and

ground water, floods, conflicts over water, Dams- benefits and


c) Mineral resources: use and exploitation.

d) Food resources: world food problems.

e) Energy resources: renewable and non- renewable energy


f) Land resources: land as a resource, land degradation, soil

erosion and soil desertification.

5. Role of individual in conservation of natural resources.

IV 1. Ecosystems: concept and structure.

a) Forest Ecosystem.

b) Grassland Ecosystem.

c) Desert Ecosystem.

d) Aquatic Ecosystem.

2. Biodiversity and its conservation.

3. India as mega diversity nation.

4. Hot spots of biodiversity.

5. Environmental Pollution: cause, effects and control measures of-

a) Air Pollution.

b) Water Pollution.

c) Soil Pollution.

d) Marine Pollution.

e) Thermal Pollution.

f) Noise Pollution.

g) Nuclear Pollution.

6. Solid waste management: causes, effects and control measures of

Urban and Industrial wastes.

7. Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.

V 1. Disaster Management: flood, earthquake, cyclone and landslide

2. Social issues and environment.

3. Concept of sustainable development.

4. Environmental Protection Act.

5. Environmental Ethics: issues and possible solutions, Eco-feminism.

6. Climate change and global warming.

7. Human population and the environment.

8. Population Explosion- family welfare programs.

9. Human Rights and value education.

10. Women and child welfare.








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