Rajasthan PSC Food Safety Officer Paper 2019

Rajasthan Public Service Commission FSO Paper 2019

Example of Gel is
(a) Smoke
(b) Fog
(c) Milk
(d) Butter

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
(a) Fimbriae – Attachment to surfaces
(b) Pili – Reproduction
(c) Glycocalys – Protection from phagocytes
(d) Plasma Membrane – Single layered

Methods for estimatin of nitrogen are
(a) Dumas and Carius method
(b) Kjeldahl’s and Carius method
(c) Dumas and Kjeldahl’s method
(d) Carius method

Saurekraut is generally prepared from
(a) Tomato
(b) Pumpkin
(c) Cauliflower
(d) Cabbage

Which of the following is fermented by Koji?
(a) Barely
(b) Millet
(c) Soyabean
(d) Zea mays

Number of GTP (Guanosine tri phosphate) formed after complete aerobic oxidation of one molecule of Glucose
(a) 02
(b) 36
(c) 30
(d) 16

Agaricus bisporus is
(a) a food stuff
(b) useful in beer making
(c) a pathogenic bacteria
(d) a human parasite

Fatty acids are oxidised by
(a) alpha and beta oxidation
(b) delta oxidation
(c) Sigma oxidation
(d) Gamma Oxidation

Captafol is a/an
(a) Algaecide
(b) Fungicide
(c) Protein
(d) Food colour

Which of the following vitamin is antihaemorrhagic?
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin C
(c) Vitamin E
(d) Vitamin K

What is the general mechanism of an enzyme?
(a) It acts by decreasing the activation energy
(b) It acts by increasing the activation energy
(c) It acts by decreasing the pH
(d) It acts by increasing the pH

Methyl and Etheyl alcohol are detoxified in the human body by
(a) oxidation
(b) reduction
(c) conjugation
(d) suplhurisation

Consumption of raw egg white causes dificiency of
(a) Folic acid
(b) Biotin
(c) Niacin
(d) Pyridoxine

Which is NOT included in the five kingdom system of classification?
(a) Viruses, Viriods and Lichens
(b) Slime moulds
(c) Bacteria
(d) Phycomycetes

What is NOT true about prokaryotes?
(a) No nuclear membrane or nucleoli
(b) Presence of mitochondira
(c) 70s ribosomes present
(d) Usually single chromosome

Which one of the following blood clotting factors is known as “Hageman Factor”?
(a) Factor X
(b) Factor XII
(c) Factor VIII
(d) Factor II

If lipid is the respiratory substrate respiratory quotient will be
(a) one
(b) less than one
(c) more than one
(d) zero

In addition to thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) thyroid gland secretes
(a) Thyroid stimulating hormone
(b) Nor-adrenalin
(c) Calcitonin
(d) Gonadotropic hormone






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