NHPC Junior Engineer Mechanical Model Paper on Thermodynamics

Objective Questions on Thermodynamics

If you are appearing NHPC Junior Engineer Recruitment exam 2022, which will be conducted in April 2022 and searching NHPC Junior Engineer Mechanical Previous Year Paper/ Model Paper/ Sample Paper then you are at right place. Here, we are publishing Thermodynamics question paper for your practice.

Which of the following is an extensive property of a system?
(a) Heat capacity
(b) Molal heat capacity
(c) Pressure
(d) Concentration

Which of the following is a thermo dynamic property of a system?
(a) Concentration
(b) Mass
(c) Temperature
(d) Entropy

First law of thermodynamics is mathematically stated as
(a) dQ = dE + dW
(b) dQ = dE – dW
(c) dE = dQ + dW
(d) dW = dQ + dE

In an adiabatic process, the
(a) heat transfer is zero
(b) temperature change is zero
(c) work done is a path function
(d) enthalpy remains constant

Enthalpy ‘H’ is defined as
(a) H = E – PV
(b) H = G – TS
(c) H – E = PV
(d) None of these

Efficiency of a heat engine working on Carnot cycle between two temperature levels depends on
(a) two temperature levels only
(b) pressure of working fluid
(c) mass of working fluid
(d) (b) and (c) both

Efficiency of a Carnot engine working between temperatures T1 and T2 (T1 < T2) is
(a) (T2-T1)/T2
(b) (T2-T1)/T1
(c) (T1-T2)/T2
(d) (T1-T2)/T1

Equation which relates pressure, volume and temperature of a gas is called the
(a) equation of state
(b) Gibbs Duherm equation
(c) ideal gas equation
(d) None of these

Cv for an ideal gas
(a) does not depend upon temperature
(b) is independent of pressure only
(c) is independent of volume only
(d) is independent of both pressure & volume

For an isothermal process, the internal energy of a gas
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains unchanged
(d) data insufficient






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