PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Paper 20 Jan 2021 Shift II on English

PGVCL-Vidyut-Sahayak-Junior-Assistant-Paper-20Jan2021-Batch2 – English Language

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1 Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options

(A) Controlled

(B)  Terestrial

(C)  Embroidary

(D) Hallowean

Ans : B

2 Choose the word which expresses nearly the opposite meaning of the given word “STRINGENT ”

(A) Harsh

(B)  Flexible

(C)  Tough

(D) Demanding

Ans: B

3 Choose  the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word “VANDALIZE ”

(A)  Overhaul

(B)   Recovery

(C)  Demolish

(D) Improve

Ans: C

4 Fill in the blanks with suitable article from the given alternatives.

I am going to read ________ Old Comics

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) No article

Ans : B

5 Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) No article

Ans: B

6 Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Favouritism granted in politics or business to relatives

(A) Notorious

(B) Cannibal

(C) Nepotism

(D) Defame

Ans: C

7 Replace the underlined phrase grammatically and conceptually with the help of the given options. If the given sentence is correct then select the option ‘The given sentence is correct’.

Having health insurance policy have become mandatory in our country due to a number of laws that have been passed recently

(A)  has became mandatory in our country due to a

(B) has become mandatory in our country due to a

(C) has become mandatory on our country due to a

(D) The given sentence is correct

Ans: B

8 In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the option corresponding to it. If the sentence contains no error, Select “No error” option. (Avoid punctuation errors)

A) Saint Nicholas will be passing out chocolates / (B) at night, delivering them when /(C) all the kids are eating / (D) NO ERROR

(A) C

(B) D

(C) B

(D) A

Ans: B

9 Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence

Avoiding wastage

(A) Economical

(B)  Stable

(C)  Miser

(D) Pauper

Ans: A

10 Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence and find the most logical order from the given options.

P: the moon, we know Q: considering that earth is R: precious little about it S: right next door to





Ans: D

11 Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence and find the most logical order from the given options.

P: an estimated 1.24 million people in India

Q: as an environmental scourge that killed

R: in 2017, air pollution should be

S: among the highest policy priorities





Ans: A

12 Fill in the blanks with suitable article from the given alternatives

The force is not __________ unique in solving mysteries

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) No article

Ans: D

13 In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the option corresponding to it. If the sentence contains no error, Select “No error” option. (Avoid punctuation errors)

(A) A number of / (B) boys has passed / (C) the interview / (D) NO ERROR

(A) D

(B)  A

(C)  B

(D) C

Ans: C

14 Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition from the given alternatives.

We need to reduce the usage_____ petrol/diesel vehicles

(A) of

(B)  since

(C)  by

(D) at

Ans:  A

15 Choose the word which expresses nearly the opposite meaning of the given word “LUCID”

(A) Obscure

(B)  Clear

(C)  Explicit

(D) Evident

Ans: A

16 Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition from the given alternatives.

The cat jumps ____________ the wall

(A) over

(B) besides

(C) about

(D) among

Ans: A

17 Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Lasting for a very short time

(A) Incredible

(B)  Ephemeral

(C)  Diatribe

(D)  Defection

Ans: B

18 Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options.

(A) Consumer

(B)  Auspicious

(C)  Theoram

(D) Government

Ans: B

19 Choose the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word “LAMBENT”

(A) Radiant

(B)  Dim

(C)  Upbright

(D) Lacklustre


20 Replace the underlined phrase grammatically and conceptually with the help of the given options. If the given sentence is correct then select the option ‘The given sentence is correct

The restricted pathway can only be used by owners and   isn’t open to the public

(A)  can only be using by owners and

(B)  can only be used by owners but

(C)  can only be use by owners and

(D) The given sentence is correct

Ans: D


  Data Collected By – Sangita
  Published on – 8th Jan 2022






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