PGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Junior Assistant Paper 20 Jan 2021 Shift 1 Analytical & Logical Reasoning

PGVCL-Vidyut-Sahayak-Junior-Assistant- Paper-20Jan2021-Batch1- Analytical and Logical Reasoning

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. If in the word SKATEBOARD, all the consonants are replaced by the next letter in the alphabet and all the vowels are replaced by the previous letter then all the letters are arranged alphabetically, which will be the sixth letter from the right?

(A) N

(B)  C

(C)  D

(D) S

Ans: A

2. Choose the alternative which is an odd word/number/letter pair out of the given alternatives


(B)   NJFB.

(C)   LIFC


Ans: C

3. A is the mother of B and C. C is married to D who is the father of F. E, who has no son, is the grandfather of F. How is D related to B?

(A) Brother-in-law

(B) Sister-in-law

(C) Sister

(D) Cousin

Ans: A

4. Find the next number in the series. 1, 4, 2, 8, 4, ?

(A) 16

(B)  8

(C)  12

(D) 32

Ans: A

5. Replace the question mark with an option that follows the same logic applied in the first pair

Bee : Larva :: Frog : ??

(A) Tadpole

(B)   Joey

(C)  Calf

(D) Kit

Ans: A

6. If in the number 4967933421, first all the odd digits are arranged in descending order and then all the even digits are arranged in ascending order, which digit will be in the fourth position from the right?

(A) 3

(B)  7

(C)  6

(D) 2

Ans: A


7. Find the next number in the series. 6, 18, 17, 51, 50, ?

(A) 150

(B)  100

(C)  90

(D) 200


8. In a certain code language, if BENCH is coded as GDPJE, then how is FAULT coded in that language?





Ans: D

9. In a certain code language, if CLAIM is coded as 3121913, then how is LUNCH coded in that language?

(A) 12121438

(B)  12211348

(C)  12211428

(D) 12211438

Ans: D

10. A girl is facing South-West direction. If she turns 72 degrees in clockwise direction and 63 degrees in the same direction, which direction will she face now?

(A) South

(B)  North

(C)  East

(D) West

Ans: B

11. Kavin walks 5km towards South and takes a right turn and walks 8km towards that direction. He then takes another right turn and walks 5km. He then finally walks 17km towards East. How far is he from the starting point?

(A) 15km

(B)  9km

(C)  11km

(D) 13km

Ans: B

12. Replace the question mark with an option that follows the same logic applied in the first pair Reserved: Quiet :: Intelligent : ??

(A) Idiotic

(B)  Foolish

(C)  Ignorant

(D) Clever

Ans: D

13. Pointing to a girl in a photograph, a man said, “She is the mother of my wife’s son’s father’s mother.” How is the man related to the girl?

(A) Grandfather

(B)  Son

(C)  Father

(D) Grandson

Ans: D

14. Choose the alternative which is an odd word/number/letter pair out of the given alternatives.

(A) Tall

(B)  Short

(C)  Low

(D) Little

Ans: A

15. Find the next number in the series. 56, 61, 68, 77, 88, ?

(A) 106

(B)  101

(C)  121

(D) 116

Ans: B

Data Collected By – Sangita
Published on – 5th Jan 2022






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