PGVCL Junior Assistant Paper 20 Jan 2021 Shift III on General English

PGVCL-Vidyut-Sahayak-Junior-Assistant-Paper-20Jan2021-Batch-English Language

Sr. No                                    Questions with multiple options
1. Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence and find the most logical order from the given options.

P: predecessors, have been poor

Q: Kohli’ s men, like many of their

R: travellers beyond the subcontinent

S: the sobering truth is that





Ans: D

2. Replace the underlined phrase grammatically and conceptually with the help of the given options. If the given sentence is correct then select the option ‘The given sentence is correct’.

All engineering students were requires to gain practical experience through implant training at a small company

(A) student were required to gain

(B)  The given sentence is correct

(C)  students was required to gain

(D) students were required to gain

Ans: D

3. Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

One who is free from all mistakes and failures

(A) Impracticable

(B)  Illegible

(C)  Indelible

(D) Infallible

Ans: D

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable Article from the given alternatives.

I spoke with __________ European in the tourist place.

(A) a

(B)  an

(C)  the

(D) No article

Ans: A


5. Choose the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word


(A) Imprisonment

(B)  Hold

(C)  Liberation

(D) Restraint

Ans: C

6. In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the option corresponding to it. If the sentence contains no error, Select “No error” option

(A) Either Julie or I / (B) are ready to / (C) complete this task / (D) NO ERROR

(A) C

(B)  B

(C)  A

(D) D

Ans: B

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition from the given alternatives.

Animals are moving _________the road

(A) for

(B)  across

(C)  about

(D) among


8. Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition from the given alternatives.

The pen is placed ____________ the paper

(A) after

(B)  beneath

(C)  against

(D) through

Ans: B




9. In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the option corresponding to it. If the sentence contains no error, Select “No error” option.

{A) The commanding politician in this / (B) election have almost thrice as many / (C) votes as the runner-up next to him / (D) NO ERROR

(A) B

(B) C

(C) A

(D) D

Ans: A

10. Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence and find the most logical order from the given options

P: sources of pollution, and State governments

Q: must be made accountable for this

R: sustainable solutions must be found for stubble-burning and the

S: use of solid fuels in households, the two major





Ans: C

11. Choose the word which expresses nearly the opposite meaning of the given


(A) Confident

(B)  Secretive

(C)  Reserved

(D) Quiet

Ans: A

12. Fill in the blanks with suitable Article from the given alternatives.

Bubesh gave ____________ elegant performance in the college cultural program

(A) a

(B)  an

(C)  the

(D) No article

Ans: B


13. Replace the underlined phrase grammatically and conceptually with the help of the given options. If the given sentence is correct then select the option ‘The given sentence is correct’.

It is mandatory to passing a driving test before receiving your driving license in our country, since you cannot receive it legally any other way

(A) is mandatory to pass a driving test before

(B)  The given sentence is correct

(C)  are mandatory to pass a driving test before

(D) is mandatory for pass a driving test before

Ans: A

14. Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options.

(A) Heavanly

(B)  Rhetaric

(C)  Spiritual

(D) Percentyle

Ans: C

15. Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

One who makes an eloquent public speech

(A) Sporadic

(B)  Orator

(C)  Rhetoric

(D) Stopper

Ans: B

  Data Collected By – Sangita
  Published On – 13th Jan 2022







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