PGVCL Junior Assistant Paper 18 Jan 2021 Shift III on General English

PGVCL-Vidyut-Sahayak-Junior-Assistant-Paper-18Jan2021-Batch3-English Language


Sr. No Questions with multiple options
Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition from the given alternatives. The gift was purchased __________ the newly married couple

(A) over

(B) for

(C) at

(D) in

Ans : B

2. Choose the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word “LARCENY ”

(A) Inexperience

(B) Dull

(C) Steal

(D) Approve

Ans: C

Fill in the blanks with suitable Article from the given alternatives. Everyone is ready to ride _________ bicycle given by our Government

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) No article

Ans: C

4. Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence. The schedule of travel

(A) Apartheid

(B) Palpable

(C) Adonis

(D) Itinerary

Ans: D

5. Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence and find the most logical order from the given options.

P: by private adventure clubs, both offline

Q: and online, to ensure they do not

R: the authorities must also monitor advertisements

S: conduct unauthorized treks





Ans: B

Fill in the blanks with suitable Article from the given alternatives. I have __________ one rupee coin in my purse




(D)No article

Ans: A
7 Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition from the given alternatives. Raju sits ___________ Adhi in the class

(A) beside

(B) besides

(C) from

(D) since

Ans: A

Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options.

(A) Foolishnness

(B) Gustatory

(C) Heightan

(D) Indescriminate

Ans: B
9. Rearrange the following to form a meaningful sentence and find the most logical order from the given options.

P: and get past its neighbour though Bangladesh,

Q: not be a pushover like South Africa

R: India is expected to continue its good run

S: familiar with the conditions, may






Choose the word which expresses nearly the opposite meaning of the given word “GLACE ”


(B) Dazzling

(C) Dark

(D) Bright

Ans: C
11. In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the option corresponding to it. If the sentence contains no error, Select “No error” option. (Avoid punctuation errors)

(A) My brother was absolutely thrilled to go / (B) with them to an amusement park, since/ (C) he had never visited one before. / (D) NO ERROR

(A) A

(B) D

(C) B

(D) C

Ans: B

12. Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options.

(A) Legislatare

(B) Guidence

(C) Feable


Ans: D

13. Replace the underlined phrase grammatically and conceptually with the help of the given options. If the given sentence is correct then select the option ‘The given sentence is correct

The three-year warranty does not absolves the bike manufacturer from the liability of selling a broken vehicle.

(A) does not absolve the bike manufacturer from the

(B) do not absolve the bike manufacturer from the

(C) do not absolve the bike manufacturer at the

(D) The given sentence is correct

Ans: A
Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence. One who stays away from school or work without permission

(A) Truant

(B) Mortal

(C) Cosmopolitan

(D) Elope

Ans: A

Find the word which is correctly spelt from the given options.

(A) Flourish

(B) Inclution

(C) Headquaters

(D) Lifegard

Ans: A
Choose the word which expresses nearly the opposite meaning of the given word “DESOLATE ”





Ans: B
Choose the best option from the given alternatives which can be substituted for the given word/sentence. A woman whose spouse is dead

(A) Separated

(B) Widow

(C) Hybrid

(D) Creche

Ans: B

In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the option corresponding to it. If the sentence contains no error, Select “No error” option. (Avoid punctuation errors)

(A) Suja along with her five friends / (B) are coming to pay the amount / (C) for the gift. /(D) NO ERROR

(A) C

(B) B

(C) A

(D) D

Ans: B

Replace the underlined phrase grammatically and conceptually with the help of the given options. If the given sentence is correct then select the option ‘The given sentence is correct’. Compared to the tortoise, the rabbit ran quickly in the direction of the finish line.

(A) Compare to the tortoise

(B) Compares to the tortoise

(C) Compared for the tortoise

(D) The given sentence is correct

Ans: D
20. Choose the word which best expresses the similar meaning of the given word “APPREHENDING ”




(D) Liberating

Ans: C

Data Collected By – Sangita
Published On – 22nd  Jan 2021






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