OCM Electrician Syllabus

OCM Electrician Exam Syllabus 2022 | Odisha Mining Corporation Electrician Exam Pattern 2022

क्या आपने ओडिशा माइनिंग कारपोरेशन में इलेक्ट्रीशियन पद हेतु आवेदन किया किया है और आपके मन में यह सवाल होगा कि OMC Electrician exam syllabus क्या है और साथ ही इस परीक्षा की तैयारी कैसे करें ?
तो ऊपर दिए गए सभी सवालों के जबाब आपको इस आर्टिकल में मिल जायेंगे।
पहले तो आप ये जान लो कि OCM Electrician Exam Date 16 मार्च 2022 है।

OCM Junior Accountant Exam 2022 Pattern –

ओडिशा माइनिंग कारपोरेशन में इलेक्ट्रीशियन पद की परीक्षा में कोर सब्जेक्ट 60 अंकों, सामान्य जागरूकता 15 अंकों, तर्कशक्ति एवं मानसिक योग्यता 15 अंको, अंकगणितीय योग्यता 15 अंकों और सामान्य अंग्रेजी 15 अंकों के प्रश्न पूछे जायेंगें। परीक्षा प्रश्न पत्र कुल 120 अंकों का होगा।

यहाँ पर हम आपके लिए ओडिशा माइनिंग कारपोरेशन में इलेक्ट्रीशियन पद की परीक्षा का सिलेबस भी प्रस्तुत कर रहें है ताकि आप पाठ्यक्रम के अनुसार तैयारी कर सकते है।

OMC Electrician Syllabus-


S.No. Topics
1 Various safety measure involved in the industry-


Elementary first Aid

Concept of Standard Basic injury prevention

Basic first aid

Hazard identification and avoidance

Safety signs for Danger, warning, caution, personal safety message

Use of fire extinguisher

Personal Protective Equipment

2 Hand Tools-



Identification of simple type-screws, nuts & bolts, chassis, Clamps, Rivets etc.

Use, care & maintenance of various hand tools

Familiarization with signs & symbols of electrical accessories

3 Fundamental of Electricity –

Electron theory – free electron

Fundamental terms, definition, units & effects of electric current

Ohm’s Law

Simple electrical Circuits and problems.

Resistors – Law of Resistance, Series and parallel circuits, type of resistors, properties of resistors.

Kirchhoff’s Laws and applications

Effect of temperature on resistance

Different methods of measuring the values of resistance

4 Wires, joints & soldering –

Solders, flux and Soldering technique

Explanation, definition and properties of conductors, insulators, semi conductors

Voltage grading of different types of insulators

Temperature rise permissible

Type of wires and cables – insulations and voltage grade- Low, medium, high voltage

Precaution in using various types of cables

Insulating Materials – properties, common insulting materials, classifications

5 Chemical effect of Electric current –

Principle of electrolysis

Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis

Basic Principle of electroplating and electrochemical equivalents

Explanation of anodes and cathodes

Rechargeable dry cells

Description, advantages & disadvantages, care and maintenance of cells

Grouping of cells of specified voltage and current

Lead acid cells, general defects and remedies

Nickel Alkali cells description charging

Power and capacity of cells

Efficiency of cell

6 Magnetism –

Classification of Magnets

Methods of Magnetizing, magnetic Materials

Properties, care & Maintenance

Para & Diamagnetism and Ferro magnetic materials

Principle of electro-magnetism

Maxwell’s corkscrew rule

Fleming’s left & right hand rules

Magnetic field of current carrying conductors, loop & solenoid

MMF, flux density, Reluctance

B.H. curve, Hysteresis, eddy current

Principle of electro-magnetic induction, Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s law. Electrostatics-capacitor-different types, functions and uses.

7 D.C. Generators –

Introduction to D.C Generator

Working principle of D.C Generator

Parts of D.C. Generator

Classification of generators – self excited and separately excited – their application in practical field.

Brief description of series, shunt and compound generators, their application.

Explanation of armature reaction, Interlopes, commutation & ETF equation of D.C Generator

8 D.C Motors –

Working principle, Explanation of torque, speed, Back-EMF etc.

Types, characteristic and practical application of D.C. motors.

Related problems.


9 Earthing –

Principle of different methods of earthing i.e. pipe, plate etc.

Importance of earthing, improving of earth residence, Earth leakage circuit Breaker (ELCB).

Measurement of earth resistance by earth tester.

10 Alternating Current –

Comparison & Advantages of D.C and A.C

Alternating current & related terms -frequency, Instantaneous value, R.M.S Value, Average Value, Peak factor, form factor

Generation of sine wave

Phase and phase difference

Inductive & Capacitative reactance.

Xi & Xc, Impedance (Z), power factor (P.f)

Vector diagram

Active and Reactive power, Simple problems on A.C, circuits, single phase & three-phase system etc.

Problems on A.C. circuits, power consumption in  series and parallel, Power factor etc.

Concept of three-phase Star & Delta connection.

Line and phase voltage, current & power in a 3 phase circuit with Balanced and Unbalanced load.

11 Transformers –

Its construction, working, performance, parallel operation of transformer & their connections, S.C and O.C tests.

Cooling of transformer

Regulation and efficiency, Specification, Problem on EMF equation, transformation ratio

Characteristics of Ideal transformer. Construction of core, winding shielding

Auxiliary parts – breather, Conservator, Buchholz’s relay, other protective devices.

Transformer oil testing and Tap changing OFF load and ON load.

Transformer pushing and termination, Auto transformer – its construction, working, performance and uses.

12 Alternator –

Parts of alternator, Principle of working, types of alternator, EMF equation.

Various applications and power rating of alternators.

General idea of loading and regulation of alternator, Parallel operation of alternator, Synchronising mehtods.

13 Electrical Measuring Instruments –

Construction and working principle of – Ammeter, Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, Wattmeter, Energy meter, P.F. meter, Frequency meter, Multi meter, Clamp meter, Megger, Earth Tester.

Introduction of Digital meters.


Tong tester/ clip on meter

14 Illumination –

Laws of illumination

Illumination factors, intensity of light

Importance of light, colour available.

Construction, working and application of incandescent lamp – neon sign, halogen, mercury vapour, sodium vapour, fluorescent tube, CFL, LED.

Decoration lighting, drum switches, efficiency in lumens per watt, Thumb rule calculation of lumens.

15 AC Motor –

Introduction to AC single phase motors & types

Capacitors start/run-start & run

FHP Motors & their uses, various application of AC single phase motor

Construction, principle of operation of three phase induction motor.

Squirrel Cage Induction motor, Slip ring induction motor, Rotor slip, Rotor frequency & Rotor torque.

Factor affecting torque

Effect of variation in applied voltage

Starting methods, speed control methods

Importance of phase sequence in three phase induction motor.

Single phasing preventer

D.O.L Starter, Star-Delta starter, Auto transformer starter.

16 Basic Electronics –

Semiconductor energy level, atomic structure

‘P’ & ‘N’ Type semiconductors

Type of materials – P-N-Junction

Classification of Diodes- Reverse Bias and Forward Bias.

Heat sink, Specification of Diode, PIV voting.

Explanation and importance of D.C rectifier circuit. Half wave, Full wave & Bridge circuit. Filter circuits – passive filter.

Principle of working of a transistor – types of transistors, characters of a transistors, Specification and rating of transistors.

17 Electrical Wiring –

Introduction and explanation of electrical wiring system

Cleat wiring, casing and capping, CTS, Conduit and concealed etc.

IE Rules relating to wiring, National building code for house wiring, Specification and types, rating and material.

Branching of circuits with respect to loads such as lighting and power.

IE Rules regarding clip distance, fixing of screws, cable bending etc.

Common Electrical Accessories, their specifications – Explanation of switches, lamp holders, plugs and scokets etc.

Development of domestic circuits Using switches, fuse, MCB, Socket, lamp, fan, calling bell/ buzzer – Two way switch, ICDP, ICTP, MCCB, ELCB, RCCB etc.

Importance of Neutral effect of opening of neutral wire.

  General Awareness –

Current National and International events

General Knowledge like History/ Polity/ Geography of Oidsha & India

Scientific Invention & use of Science in everyday life.

Issues of environment, Ecology, Bio-diversity & Climate Change

Books and Authors

  Reasoning & Mental Ability –

(A) Verbal –

Number Series

Alphabet Series

Test of Direction Sense


Number Ranking

Arithmetic Reasoning

Problem of Age Calculation

(B) Non-verbal –

Non-verbal Series

Mirror Images

Cubes & Dice

Grouping Identical Figures

Embedded Figures etc.

  Quantitative Aptitude – (15 Marks)

Ratio and Proportion

Time and Work

Speed and Distance

Square roots

Percentages and Averages

Profit, Loss and Discount


  English – (15 Marks)

Fill in the blanks with articles


Agreement of the verb with subject





One word substitution

Synonyms & Antonyms

Correct the sentence






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