CEPTAM Fitter Question Paper on Safety

CEPTAM Fitter Question Paper on Safety

Objective Questions on Safety for Fitter Trade

S.No. Questions with options
1 Which one is the personal safety?

(a)  Keep the machine clean

(b) Concentrate on your work

(c)  Keep the gang way and floor clean

(d) Keep the tools at their proper place

Ans – (b)

2 Flammable of liquefiable solids are classified as

(a)  Class A fire

(b) Class B fire

(c)  Class C fire

(d) Class D fire

Ans – (b)

3 Which is the immediate life saving procedure

(a)  First Aid

(b) Call a doctor

(c)  Intensive care

(d) Medical treatment

Ans – (a)

4 What is the class of fire caused by fire wood, paper, cloth?

(a)  Class A fire

(b) Class B fire

(c)  Class C fire

(d) Class D fire

Ans –(a)

5 Which fire extinguisher filled with carbon tetra chloride and bromochloro di fluoro methane (BCF)?

(a)  Carbon dioxide

(b) Halon extinguisher

(c)  Foam extinguisher

(d) Dry powder extinguisher

Ans –(b)

6 Which comes under mechanical occupational hazards?

(a)  Noise

(b) Toxic

(c)  Unskilled

(d) Unguarded machinery

Ans – (d)

7 How to sotp bleeding of injured person?

(a)  Tie bandage

(b) Apply ointment

(c)  Apply tincture over the wound

(d) Apply pressure over the wound

Ans –(d)

8 What are the three factors causes fire?

(a)  Fuel, Heat, Oxygen

(b) Oxygen, Fuel, Nitrogen

(c)  Heat, Nitrogen, Oxygen

(d) Fuel, Carbon-dioxide, Heat

Ans – (a)

9 What is the period referred as golden hours?

(a)  First 30 minutes after incident

(b) First 30 minutes

(c)  First 45 minutes of admission

(d) First 60 minutes after treatment

Ans – (a)

10 What is the first step of avoiding accident in work place?

(a)  By wearing safety equipment

(b) Doing things in one’s own way

(c)  By observing safety precautions

(d) Doing things with a highly skilled working

Ans _(c)

11 What is the colour code of bins for waste paper segregation?

(a)  Red

(b) Blue

(c)  Black

(d) Green

Ans – (b)

12 Which fire extinguisher is used for flammable and running liquid fire?

(a)  Foam extinguisher

(b) Halon extinguisher

(c)  Dry powder extinguisher

(d) Carbon dioxide extinguisher

Ans – (a)

13 What is denotes in ABC of first aid?

(a)  Air way

(b) Attention

(c)  Arresting

(d) Atmosphere

Ans –(a)

14 What is the process of breaking down the materials into organic compounds and can be used as manure?

(a)  Land fills

(b) Recycling

(c)  Composting

(d) Burning waste material

Ans – (c)

15 What is the colour code for plastic waste bin?

(a)  Red

(b) Blue

(c)  Green

(d) Yellow

Ans – (d)

Published On – 18th June 2022







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