CEPTAM Electrician Question paper on Power Generation & substation

Objective Questions on Power Generation & substation for Electrician Trade

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Which fuel is available in plenty in India for power generation?

(a)  Coal

(b) Diesel

(c)  Gas oil

(d) Gasoline

Ans –(a)

2 Which is the conventional power generation ?

(a)  Wind power generation

(b) Tidal power generation

(c)  Solar power generation

(d) Thermal power generation

Ans – (d)

3 Which material is used in solar cell?

(a)  Silicon

(b) Copper

(c)  Antimony

(d) Phosphorus

Ans – (a)

4 What is the name of the atomic material used for nuclear fission in nuclear power station?

(a)  Silicon

(b) Thorium

(c)  Antimony

(d) Cadmium

Ans – (b)

5 What is the name of the material used for making photovoltaic cell?

(a)  Silicon

(b) Arsenic

(c)  Antimony

(d) Germanium

Ans – (a)

6 Which is the non-conventional energy source?

(a)  Wind

(b) Water

(c)  Steam

(d) Diesel

Ans – (a)

7 Which is the natural source of energy?

(a)  Sun

(b) Heat

(c)  Coal

(d) Biogas

Ans – (a)

8 Which is non-conventional energy source?

(a)  Lignite

(b) Sun rays

(c)  Stored water

(d) Pulverized coal

Ans –(b)

9 What is the main disadvantage of non-conventional power generation ?

(a)  Poor efficiency

(b) No constant generation

(c)  Can use only light loads

(d) Heavy load cannot be operated

Ans – (a)

10 Which power generation requires heavy water treatment plant?

(a)  Hydel power generation

(b) Diesel  power general

(c)  Thermal power generation

(d) Nuclear power generation

Ans – (d)

11 Which device senses the wind speed in a wind power generation?

(a)  Exciter unit

(b) Turbine controller

(c)  Chopper controller

(d) Line controller unit

Ans – (b)

 12 Which turbine is used for high heads in hydro electric power plant?

(a)  Kaplan turbine

(b) Impulse turbine

(c)  Francis turbine

(d) Reaction turbine

Ans – (b)

13 What is the function of penstocks in hydro power stations?

(a)  Carries water to dam

(b) Carries water to turbine

(c)  Carries water away from power house

(d) Discharges surplus water from reservoir

Ans – (b)

14 Which is the purpose of boiler in a steam power station?

(a)  Super heats the steam

(b) Heats feed water and air

(c)  Converts water in to steam

(d) Liberates the heat from burnt fuel

Ans –(c)

15 Which type of power plant is more efficient?

(a)  Diesel plant

(b) Steam power

(c)  Hydro electric

(d) Nuclear power

Ans  – (c)

16 Which material is used as control rod in a nuclear reactor?

(a)  Thorium

(b) Graphite

(c)  Cadmium

(d) Tungsten

Ans – (c)

17 Which is the non conventional power generation?

(a)  Diesel power generation

(b) Nuclear power generation

(c)  Wind mill power generation

(d) Hydro electric power generation

Ans – (c)

18 Which is the residue of bio-mass?

(a)  Slurry

(b) Bio fuel

(c)  Manure

(d) Bio gas

Ans – (a)

19 Which is the main constituent of biogas?

(a)  Oxygen

(b) Methane

(c)  Hydrogen

(d) Carbon dioxide

Ans – (b)

20 How electricity produced in solar panel?

(a)  While sunlight strikes glass

(b) While sunlight strikes nickel plate

(c)  While sunlight strikes manganese

(d) While sunlight strikes on photovoltaic cell

Ans – (d)

Published On – 13th June 2022







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