Objective Questions on on System Software

Solapur University MCA (Semester-III) Paper on System Software March 2019


Sr. No. Question
1 YACC builds up ________

(a)    LALR parsing table

(b)   SLR parsing table

(c)    Canonical LR parsing table

(d)   None of these

2 A non relocatable program is the one which _______

(a)    Can itself perform the relocation of its address sensitive portions

(b)   Consists of a program and relevant information for its relocation

(c)    Cannot be made to execute in any area of storage other than the one designated for it at the time of its coding or translation

(d)   All of these

3 In which addressing mode the operand is given explicitly in the instruction?

(a)    Absolute mode

(b)   Immediate mode

(c)    Indirect mode

(d)   Index mode

4 Storage mapping is done by _________

(a)    Loader

(b)   Linker

(c)    OS

(d)   Compiler

5 The linker is _______

(a)    Same as the loader

(b)   Required to create a load module

(c)    Always used before programs are executed

(d)   None of these

6 Relocatable programs _______

(a)    Cannot be used with fixed partitions

(b)   Can be loaded almost anywhere in memory

(c)    Links do not need a linker

(d)   Can be loaded only at one specific location

7 Binder performs the functions of _________

(a)    Allocation

(b)   Relocation

(c)    Linking

(d)   All the these

8 Which of the following system software always resides in the main memory?

(a)    Text editor

(b)   Assembler

(c)    Linker

(d)   Loader

9 Assembler is a program that _________

(a)    Places programs into memory and prepares then for execution

(b)   Automates the translation of assemble language into machine language

(c)    Accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

(d)   Appears to execute a resource as if it were machine language

10 The dynamic linking postpones linking function until ______

(a)    Load

(b)   Execution

(c)    Compile

(d)   None of these

11 The main data structures involved in a one-pass macro processors are _________

(a)    DEFTAB

(b)   NAMTAB

(c)    ARGTAB

(d)   All of these

12 The SIC machine uses ___________addressing modes

(a)    Direct

(b)   Indexed

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   None of these

13 Bottom up parsing involves?

(a)    Shift reduce

(b)   Handle pruning

(c)    Operator check

(d)   Only (a) & (b)

 14 A Compiler has _______phases?

(a)    7

(b)   6

(c)    8

(d)   None of these

Published on 26th Sept 2021






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