Solapur University M.Sc Electronic Science Sem I Paper March 2019

Solapur University M.Sc Electronic Science Previous Year Question Paper 2019  (March-April) on Network Analysis and Synthesis


  M.SC(Semester – 1) (CBCS) Examination March/April-2019

Electronic Science


1 What will be the nature of impedance t a frequency below the resonant frequency in

Series resonant circuit?

a)      Capacitive

b)      Inductive

c)       Reactive

d)      Resistive

2 Reactance curve is basically a graph of individual reactance verse________.

a)      Frequency

b)      Time

c)       Voltage

d)      Current

3 To analyse circuits using the nodal analysis ______ law isd required.

a)      KCL

b)      KVL

c)       Ohm’s

d)       both a and c

4 If the ratio of the polynomial P (s) and its derivative gives a continued fraction expansion with _____ coefficients , then the polynomial P (s) is HurwitZ.

a)      all negative

b)      all positive

c)       positive or negative

d)      positive and negative

5 Mesh voltage analysis uses ______ around the mesh.

a)      KCL

b)      KCL

c)       both (a) and (b)

d)      none

6 The circuit in which current has a complete path to flow is called______

a)      short

b)      open

c)       closed

d)      open loop

7 To check for the Reciprocity Theorem we consider _______ of response to excitation.

a)      Ratio

b)      Addition

c)       Product

d)      subtraction

8 A mesh is a loop which contains ______ within it.

a)      1

b)      2

c)       3

d)      No loop

9 The dual pair of KVL is ______.

a)      KCL

b)      Current

c)       Voltage

d)      current sources

10 ______ therorem is valid for linear or non-linear, passive or active , time variant or time  invariant network?

a)      Tellegen’s

b)      Nortons

c)       Thevenins

d)      all of these

11  The Laplace transform of unit step function is _______

a)      0

b)      1

c)       2

d)       3

12 Superposition theorem states that the response in any element is a the _____ of the responses that can be expected to flow if each source acts independently of other sources.

a)      algebraic sum

b)       vector sum

c)       Multiplication

d)      subtraction

13 Kirchhoff’s current law is based on principle of conversation of ____.

a)      Energy

b)      Momentum

c)       Mass

d)      Charge

  Data Collected By – J. Jayalakshmi
  Published On – 1st Dec 2021






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