Objective Questions on .NET

Solapur University MCA (Semester-I) Paper on .NET March 2019


Sr. No. Question
1 A function returns a value, whereas a subroutine cannot return a value

(a)    True

(b)   False

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   None of these

2 Which of the following CANNOT occur multiple number of times in a program?

(a)    Namespace

(b)   Entrypoint

(c)    Class

(d)   Function

3 An employee class has a property called age and emp is reference a employee object and we want the statement Console. WriteLine(emp.age) to fail. Which of the following options will ensure this functionality?

(a)    Declare age property with only get accessor

(b)   Declare age property with only set accessor

(c)    Declare age property with both get and set accessors

(d)   Declare age property with get, set and normal accessors

4 Which of the following statements is correct about an Exception?

(a)    It occurs during compilation

(b)   It occurs during linking

(c)    It occurs at run-time

(d)   It occurs during Just-in-time compilation

5 In C#.NET if we do not catch the exception thrown at runtime then which of the following will catch it?

(a)    Compiler

(b)   CLR

(c)    Linker

(d)   Loader

6 Which of the following is NOT an Exception?

(a)    stack Over flow

(b)   division by zero

(c)    insufficient memory

(d)   incorrect arithmetic expression

7 Which of the following statements is correct about an interface used in C#.NET?

(a)    one class can implement only one interface

(b)   In a program if one class implements an interface then no other class in the same program can implement this interface

(c)    From two base interfaces a new interface cannot be inherited

(d)   Properties can be declared inside an interface

8 Which of the following statements are correct about delegates?

(a)    Delegates cannot be used to call a static method of a class

(b)   Delegates cannot be used to call procedures that receive variable number of arguments

(c)    If signatures of two methods are same they can be called through the same delegate object

(d)   Delegates cannot be used to call an instance function. Delegates cannot be used to call an instance subroutine.

9 Which of the following statements is valid about advantages of generics?

(a)    Generics shift the burden of type safety to the programmer rather than compiler

(b)   Generics require use of explicit type casting

(c)    Generics provide type safety without the overhead of multiple implementations.

(d)   Generics eliminate the possibility of run-time errors

10 Choose the correct option about Data Reader object.

(a)    Data Reader object is a forward only object

(b)   It provides connection oriented environment

(c)    Data Reader is read only object

(d)   All of the above

11 What are the three main objects when working with a DataSet?

(a)    Data Table, Data Column, and type

(b)   DataTable, DataRelation, and Data Adapter

(c)    DataTable, DataColumn, and DataRelation

(d)   DataReader, DataAdapter, and Command

12 Which validation control in ASP.NET can be used to determine if the data is entered into a Text Box control is of type Currency?

(a)    Validation Summary

(b)   Compare Validator

(c)    Required Field Validator

(d)   None of the above

  Published on 25th Sept 2021







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