Data Processing Assistant Paper on Mobile Computing

Data Processing Assistant Model Paper

If You are appearing in UPSC exam for Data Processing Assistant posts in Information Technology Department, Govt. of NcT of Delhi or in National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Women Safety, Ministry of Home Affairs which will be conducting on 30th Jan 2022 at various exam centers and searching the Data Processing Assistant Previous year papers. Then you are at right place. Here we are providing the Data Processing Assistant Model paper on Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing

Solapur University MCA (Semester-V) Paper on Mobile Computing  March 2019


Sr. No. Question
1 A television broadcast is an example of _________transmission

(a)    Full- duplex

(b)   Automatic

(c)    Simplex

(d)   Half-duplex

2 PSTN stands for _______

(a)    Public Station Telephone Network

(b)   Public Switch Telephone Network

(c)    Public Socket Telephone Network

(d)   Public Switch Transport Network

3 MAC sub layer is the part of ________

(a)    Logical link control

(b)   Physical layer

(c)    Data link layer

(d)   Access control mechanism

4 BSS in GSM stands for ______

(a)    Basic service Sub-system

(b)   Basic Services Set

(c)    Base Station Sub-system

(d)   Base Station Service

5 __________is essential for database in android

(a)    Open GL

(b)   SQLite

(c)    Webkit

(d)   Layout

6 _________is useful to receive broadcast messages from the system

(a)    Broadcast receivers

(b)   Activity

(c)    Content providers

(d)   Services

7 MANET stands for ______

(a)    Mobile Application for Network

(b)   Mobile Access Network

(c)    Mobile ad-hoc networking

(d)   Mobile Advance network

8 Radio transmission starts at several kHz, the _____ range.

(a)    Ultra high frequency

(b)   Very low frequency

(c)    High frequency

(d)   Super high frequency

9 ______ used for allocating a separated space to users in wireless networks.

(a)    FDMA

(b)   SDMA

(c)    TDMA

(d)   None of these

10 Infra-red technology uses diffuse light reflected at walls, furniture etc. or directed light if _______exists between sender and receiver.

(a)    Shielding

(b)   Line -of-Sight (LOS)

(c)    Synchronization

(d)   Infrared Data Association

11 PLCP stands for ________

(a)    Physical layer convergence protocol

(b)   Physical layer cognitive probe

(c)    Physical lower code protocol

(d)   Primary layer code protocol

12 ________ is based on a client/server model

(a)    DHCP

(b)   DPHC

(c)    DCHP

(d)   DCPH

13 GSM stands for _________

(a)    Global structure for mobile

(b)   Global system for module communications

(c)    Global segment for mobile

(d)   Global system for mobile communications

Published 0n 4th Oct 2021






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