Objective Questions On Mixed Signal Based SoC Design

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Electronics (Semester-IV)-2019-On Mixed Signal Based SoC Design

Sr. No Questions with multiple options
1. PSoC5 consists of _____ as processing core.

(a)    ARM

(b)   ARM Cortex

(c)    8051

(d)   M8C

2. Mixed signal based system on chip comprises the configuration of ____

(a)    Analog devices

(b)   Configuration of analog as well as digital devices

(c)    Configuration of digital devices

(d)   Configuration of DSP core

3. The PSoC1 has SRAM of _____ bytes.

(a)    64 K

(b)   2048

(c)    256

(d)   512

4. The PSoC devices are having ______ mA current sourcing capacity per pin.

(a)    25 mA

(b)   10 mA

(c)    20 mA

(d)   15 mA

5. The PSocC1 device from Cypress comprises an array of _____ configurable digital blocks.

(a)    12

(b)   16

(c)    24

(d)   4

6. The PSoC1 has global I/O pins which can be configured _____ different modes.

(a)    2

(b)   4

(c)    6

(d)   8

7. In programmable digital blocks Auxiliary Input is used for _____ communication

(a)    Parallel

(b)   SPI

(c)    RS232

(d)   None of these

8. Upon configuration of programmable digital block in Timer mode, the timer register for each clock pulse ______

(a)    Decreases upto terminal count 0

(b)   Increases upto overflow

(c)    Resets to 0

(d)   Transmit data serially

9. For high precision clock if external clock source is selected then the frequency of the crystal should be _____

(a)    11.0592 MHZ

(b)   48 MHZ

(c)    732 kHz

(d)   32.768 KHz

10. For cypress PSoC devices which of the following is correct?

(a)    Digital block Can be configured in UART mode

(b)   Digital block Cannot be configured in SPI mode

(c)    All IO pins are analog pins

(d)   Non configurable reference sources

11. Continuous time analog block has ____ programmable analog inputs.

(a)    One non inverting and one inverting

(b)   Two non inverting and one inverting

(c)    One non inverting and two inverting

(d)   Zero

12. Programmable digital blocks if configured for a PWM output, the duty cycle (D) is given by ____

(a)    D = W

(b)   D = W/P

(c)    D = W/(P+1)

(d)   D = W (P+1)

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 22nd Nov 2021







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