Objective Questions On Mineral Exploration

Solapur-University-M.Sc-Applied-Geology -(Semester-III)-2019-On Mineral Exploration

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1.  If the force is directed perpendicular to the area its ________

(a)    Stress

(b)   Tensile stress

(c)    Poisson’s Ratio

(d)   Strain

2. What is unit of measuring gravity anomaly _____

(a)    Gamma

(b)   Gals

(c)    Ohm’s

(d)   None of the above

3. Short term auroral effects are special cases of the irregular disturbances ______

(a)    Young’s modulus

(b)   Geological effect

(c)    Magnetic storm

(d)   Compression stress

4. The susceptibility of a rock usually depend on its magnetic content, sedimentary rock have ___

(a)    Small susceptibility

(b)   More susceptibility

(c)    Intermediate susceptibility

(d)   Very high susceptibility

5. La Coste-Romberg meter used in ____

(a)    Seismic survey

(b)   Magnetic survey

(c)    Gravity survey

(d)   Resistivity survey

6. Electrode spacing in same distance in ______

(a)    Gradient-array date

(b)   Schlumberger date

(c)    Wenners

(d)   Proton precession magnetometer

7. Alpha particle having nucleus of _________

(a)    Argon

(b)   Helium

(c)    Carbon

(d)   Thorium

8. Geiger counter method is used in ______

(a)    Seismic survey

(b)   Magnetic survey

(c)    Electric survey

(d)   Radiometric survey

9. Which of the following is indicator of uranium cornotite deposits?

(a)    Galmie flora

(b)   Selenium flora

(c)    Halophytic flora

(d)   None of them

10. As you proceed for detail exploration programme the area of exploration need the property to be ______

(a)    Controlled

(b)   Uncontrolled

(c)    Both a and b

(d)   None of the above

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 7th Nov 2021






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