Objective Questions On Hydro geology

Solapur-University-M.Sc-Applied-Geology -(Semester-II)-2019-On Hydrogeology

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1.  The porosity of a rock depends on _____

i)                    Shape of the grain

ii)                   Packing of the grain

iii)                 Size of the grain

iv)                 Sorting of the grain

(a)    i and ii

(b)   i, ii and iii

(c)     i, iii andiv

(d)   i, ii, iii and iv

2. The water discharged through streams consisting wholly or in part of water contributed by overland flow and groundwater flow is called _____

(a)    Precipitation

(b)   Runoff

(c)    Transpiration

(d)   Evaporation

3. The location where water runs off the land from higher locations to lower locations is called ________

(a)    Watershed

(b)   Unsaturated zone

(c)    Saturated zone

(d)   Aquifer

4. The water table is _______

(a)    The bottom of the saturated zone in an aquifer

(b)   The top of the saturated zone in an aquifer

(c)    The unsaturated zone

(d)   The table that you keep a glass of water on at night time

5. The loss of water from surface water reservoirs or groundwater aquifers at a rate greater than that of recharge is known as _____

(a)    Safe yield

(b)   Drought

(c)    Depletion

(d)   Drawdown

6. Which of the following statements is false?

(a)    Non-point source pollution is discharged over a land area, from one specific location.

(b)   Non-point source pollution is caused by sediment, nutrients, organic and toxic substances.

(c)    Non-point source contamination occurs when rainwater, snowmelt, or irrigation washes off plowed fields, city streets, or suburban backyards.

(d)   None of the above

7. Groundwater flow map is also known as ______

(a)    Isopach map

(b)   Isocontour map

(c)    Potentiometric map

(d)   Flydraulic map

8. When the effective size and uniformity coefficient of aquifer material less than 0.25 mm And respectively then _____

(a)    Gravel packing not necessary.

(b)   Gravel packing not effective

(c)    Sand pumping

(d)   Well effectiveness is high

9. When salinity changes occur in a vertical profile _____

(a)    The lower portion of the aquifer should be tapped.

(b)   The middle portion of the aquifer should be tapped.

(c)    The whole aquifer should be tapped.

(d)   The upper portion of the aquifer should be tapped.

10. A well consists of a large diameter concrete caisson, sealed at the bottom, with radiating perforated casing in called _____

(a)    Tube well

(b)   Rainey well

(c)    Cavity well

(d)   Bore well

11. Electrical sounding surveys give information about ______

(a)    Lateral  variation

(b)   Both lateral and vertical variations

(c)    Vertical Variation

(d)   None of these

12. What is percentage of ground water?

(a)    0.001%

(b)   0.2%

(c)    0.6%

(d)   2.1%

13. Darcy’s law is _____

(a)    The discharge is inversely proportional to head loss.

(b)   The discharge is inversely proportional to head loss and directly proportional to the length.

(c)    The discharge is directly proportional to head loss and inversely proportional to area of flow and to the length of the path.

(d)   The discharge is directly proportional to head; loss and area of flow and inversely proportional to the length of the path.

14. The value of Sodium Absorption Ratio for high sodium water lies between _____

(a)    0 to 10

(b)   10 to 18

(c)    18 to 26

(d)   26 to 34

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on 6th Nov 2021







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