Objective Questions on Geochemistry

Solapur-University-M.Sc-Applied-Geology -(Semester-I)-2019-On Geochemistry

Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. The concentration of given elements in sea water is a function of

(a)    Its rate of removal

(b)   Its rate of addition

(c)    Its rate of removal and addition

(d)   Its type of affinity towards water

2. The geochemical character of an element is largely governed by the

(a)    Number of protons in the nucleus

(b)   Number of Neutrons in nucleus

(c)    Electron configuration

(d)   All of the above

3. According to the cosmic abundance which of the following elements is abundant _______

(a)    Iron

(b)   Carbon

(c)    Silicon

(d)   Hydrogen

4. The term isotope is used for the elements

(a)    Same chemical properties and same atomic weight

(b)   Differing in atomic weight and stability but not appreciably in chemical properties

(c)    Same in atomic weight and stability but differing in chemical properties

(d)   With the same atomic weight but different in neutrons and protons value

5. Which of the following factors would increase the chemical weathering rate?

(a)    Increasing rainfall

(b)   Increasing temperature

(c)    Increasing organic activity

(d)   All of these

6. Rb-elements is usually found dispersed in ____

(a)    Na-mineral

(b)   K-mineral

(c)    Ca-mineral

(d)   Al-mineral

7. Which of the processes is not an example of Chemical weathering

(a)    Dissolution of calcite

(b)   Break down of feldspar to Form clay

(c)    Splitting of rock along a fracture

(d)   Rusting of nail

8. _____ have least electro-negativity.

(a)    Lithophiles

(b)   Siderophiles

(c)    Chalcophiles

(d)   Atmophiles

9. The activity of radioisotope changes with

(a)    Temperature

(b)   Chemical Environment

(c)    Pressure

(d)   None of these

10. A radioactive substance emits _______

(a)    Alpha Particle

(b)   Gama Particle

(c)    Beta Particle

(d)   All of the above

11. Fugacity is most helpful in ______

(a)    Representing Actual behavior of Real Gas

(b)   Representing Actual behavior of Ideal Gas

(c)    Both a and b

(d)   None of these

12. Elements with completely full outermost shells are grouped under ______

(a)    Lithophiles

(b)   Siderophiles

(c)    Chalcohiles

(d)   Atmophiles

13. Siderites are _________

(a)    Stony Meteorites

(b)   Iron Meteorites

(c)    Stony –Irons Meteorites

(d)   Iron Meteorites

(e)   Copper Meteorites

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 30th Oct 2021






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