Objective Questions On Fuel Geology

Solapur-University-M.Sc-Applied-Geology -(Semester-IV)-2019-On Fuel Geology

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1.   Both power and manure is provided by ______

(a)    Nuclear plants

(b)   Thermal plants

(c)    Biogas plants

(d)   Hydroelectric plant

2. What type of energy is not indigenous?

(a)    Solar energy

(b)   Geothermal energy

(c)    Hydrothermal energy

(d)   Nuclear energy

3. Which state habve maximum non-convential sources?

(a)    Maharashtra

(b)   Jharkhand

(c)    Tamil Nadu

(d)   Rajasthan

4. Which of the following is a disadvantage of most of the renewable energy sources?

(a)    Highly polluting

(b)   High waste disposal cost

(c)    Unreliable supply

(d)   High running cost

5. A type of coal preferred for industrial purpose should have _____

(a)    High Carbon, low Moisture

(b)   High moisture, high mineral matter

(c)    Low Carbon, high moisture

(d)   High mineral matter

6. Which one is not a group of gondwana coal fields?

(a)    Jharia and Raniganj

(b)   Giridh and Bokaro

(c)    Palna and Kalakot

(d)   Korba and Nagpur

7. Bituminous coal is found in ________

(a)    Neyveli

(b)   Palandharo

(c)    Singrauli

(d)   Barmer

8. The geological age of major Hydrocarbon reservoir n Bombay high oil field is _________

(a)    Cretaceous

(b)   Holocene

(c)    Oligocene

(d)   Miocene

9. Secondary migration of hydrocarbon takes place from _____

(a)    Source rocks to reservoir rocks

(b)   Reservoir rocks to source rocks

(c)    Reservoir rocks to a trap

(d)   Trap to surface

10. Dogboi oil field is associated with ________

(a)    Surma series

(b)   Tripam series

(c)    Barail series

(d)   Jaintia series

11. Incipient fracture porosity is exhibited by ____ rock.

(a)    Granite

(b)   Basalt

(c)    Shale

(d)   Limestone

12. What is the safest way to dispose of a large quantity of highly radioactive waste?

(a)    Burying it in dry rock deep underground

(b)   Pumping it into a river

(c)    Pouring it down the drain

(d)   Burning it on a fire

13. Which one of the following uranium mine is located in Jharkhand?

(a)    Domiasiat mine

(b)   Lambapur mine

(c)    Bagjata mine

(d)   Narwapahar mine

14. Which one of the following not nuclear mineral?

(a)    Betafite

(b)   Thorianite

(c)    Vermiculite

(d)   Allanite

  Data Collected by – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 13th Nov 2021






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