Objective Questions On Environmental Policy, Acts, Laws And Environmental Management System

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Environmental Science (Semester-IV)-2019-On Environmental Policy, Acts, Laws And Environmental Management System

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1. Montreal protocol was developed for ____

(a)    Ozone layer protection

(b)   Soil conservation

(c)    Water conservation

(d)   Air pollution

2. The provisions of environmental protection in the constitution were made under:

(a)    Article 5-A

(b)   Article 21-B

(c)    Article 27-B(h)

(d)   Article 48-A and Article 51-A (g)

3. Red data book is published by

(a)    IUCN

(b)   WWF

(c)    BNHS

(d)   WHO

4. Earth summit was held at ______

(a)    Rio

(b)   Montreal

(c)    London

(d)   Stockholm

5. Which state proposed a ban on all types of polythene packing for the first time in India?

(a)    Himachal Pradesh

(b)   Madhya Pradesh

(c)    Kerala

(d)   Karnataka

6. World Ozone day is _______

(a)    March 16

(b)   June 5

(c)    September 16

(d)   November 16

7. Who had stated in the Stockholm Conference in 1972 that poverty was the greatest polluter?

(a)    Indira Gandhi

(b)   Mahatma Gandhi

(c)    Rajiv Gandhi

(d)   Jawaharlal Nehru

8. The movement ‘Pani Panjayath’ was initiated to conserve waters in the drought prone areas of _______ state.

(a)    Tamilnadu

(b)   Rajasthan

(c)    Maharashtra

(d)   Karnataka

9. The World Wetlands Day is celebrated on _____

(a)    February 02

(b)   February 28

(c)    June 05

(d)   March 21

10. The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 was held in _____

(a)    Paris

(b)   Rome

(c)    Madrid

(d)   Stockholm

11. Head office of WWF is located at _____

(a)    Bern

(b)   Geneva

(c)    Gland

(d)   Washington

12. Penalty for conservation of the provisions of the Forest Act is under.

(a)    Section 3 A

(b)   Section 4 A

(c)    Section 12 A

(d)   Section 8 A

13. Provision of giving compensation to local people is included ______ law.

(a)    The Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974

(b)   The Forest (conservation) Act, 1980

(c)    Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991

(d)   The Factories Act, 1948

14. What is the name of the action plan for sustainable development in the Twenty first century framed in the Rio Declaration on Environment & Development (1992)?

(a)    Action 21

(b)   Agenda 21

(c)    Rio 21

(d)   Declaration 21

  Data Collected By- K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 15th Nov 2021







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