Objective Questions On Environmental Geology And Disaster Management

Solapur-University-M.Sc-Applied-Geology -(Semester-IV)-2019-On Environmental Geology And Disaster Management

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1.   Which one of the following is not a key of environmental geology?

(a)    Geology hazards

(b)   Geologic resources

(c)    Environmental challenges

(d)   Metamorphism

2. Which one of the following in not a greenhouse gases?

(a)    Carbon dioxide

(b)   Methane

(c)    Nitrogen

(d)   Sulphur dioxide

3. The Taj Mahal is being affected by ___

(a)    Noise pollution

(b)   Air pollution

(c)    Water pollution

(d)   None of these

4. The constituent of polluted air which contributes in producing  acid rain is _____

(a)    Nitrogen

(b)   Sulphur dioxide

(c)    Oxygen

(d)   Argon

5. The Kyoto protocol is associated with which one of the following.

(a)    Reduction in the use of chlorofluorocarbons

(b)   Reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases

(c)    Reduction in the cutting of forest trees

(d)   Reduction in pollution of fresh water sources

6. Social, economic and ecological equity is the necessary condition for achieving _____

(a)    Social development

(b)   Economic development

(c)    Sustainable development

(d)   Ecological development

7. The term Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generally used to describe ______

(a)    Wastes from industrial processes, construction and demolition debris

(b)   Wastes of Private homes, commercial establishments and institutions

(c)    Mining wastes

(d)   Agricultural wastes

8. What are the ways in which most of radio activeness is removed?

(a)    Infusing them with other metal

(b)   Neutralizing them diluting in chemical solutions

(c)    Storing them

(d)   Segregating them into small packs

9. Natural source of pollution is ________

(a)    Rain forest

(b)   Mining for minerals

(c)    Forest fire

(d)   Falling of meteoroids

10. Richter scale is a _______

(a)    Logarithmic scale

(b)   Calculus scale

(c)    Volumetric scale

(d)   Area to vibration ratio scale

11. As a tsunami approaches shallow water which of the following set of transformations occurs?

(a)    Wavelength increases, wave period decreases, and wave height stays the same

(b)   Wavelength decreases, wave period decreases, and wave height increases

(c)    Wavelength decreases, wave period increases, and wave height increases

(d)   Wavelength decreases, wave period stays the same, and wave height increases

12. What are the three phases of disaster management planning?

(a)    Preparation, Response and Recovery

(b)   Preparation, Planning and Perception

(c)    Evacuating, Rebuilding and Re-branding

(d)   Planning, Evacuating and Recovery

13. Which one earthquake took a tremendous toll in human life-over 8,000 people killed on 30 September 1993?

(a)    Nepal earthquake

(b)   Killari earthquake

(c)    Uttar Kasi earthquake

(d)   Koyna earthquake

14. When did Tsunami struck the east coast of India in recent times?

(a)    December 26, 2004

(b)   December 26, 2014

(c)    December 24, 2004

(d)   January 26, 1997

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 11th Nov 2021







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