Objective Questions On Environmental Biotechnology

Solapur-University-M.Sc. – Environmental Science (Semester-III)-2019-On Environmental Biotechnology

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1. The process of extracting metals from ore bearing rocks is called as _____

(a)    Bioextraction

(b)   Microbial extraction

(c)    Biofiltration

(d)   Bioleaching

2. Conversion of toxic compound to non toxic compound are called ______

(a)    Detoxification

(b)   Degradation

(c)    Conjugation

(d)   Activation

3. Phytoremediation is used for _______

(a)    Wastewater treatment

(b)   Oil Recovery

(c)    Algae recovery

(d)   None of these

4. “Biomagnification” is _____

(a)    Increase in the biotic population of an area

(b)   Increase in the size of the individuals of a species due to natural evolution

(c)    Process whereby harmful chemicals enter and get concentrated in a food chain

(d)   None of these

5. Water hyacinth (Eichorniacrassipes), a common obnoxious weed has a capacity to absorb heavy metal , this technique is called _______

(a)    Phytoremediation

(b)   Photosynthesis

(c)    Bioleaching

(d)   None of these

6. Microorganisms are used in the ______ treatment of wastewater.

(a)    Primary Treatment

(b)   Secondary treatment

(c)    Tertiary treatment

(d)   None of these

7. Type I restriction endonucleases have recognition sequence of ______

(a)    100 pb

(b)   15 pb

(c)    1000 pb

(d)   1 kbp

8. Biologically catalyzed reduction in the complexity of chemical compound is _____

(a)    Biosynthesis

(b)   Bio-degradation

(c)    Photosynthesis

(d)   Respiration

9. Any factor that alters the growth and survival of a population is called as _______ factor.

(a)    Biotic

(b)   Abiotic

(c)    Limiting

(d)   Growth

10. The purification efficiency of bio-filter depends upon ______

(a)    Bio-filter volume

(b)   Intensity of aeration

(c)    Different parameters of packing

(d)   All the above

11. Bacillus thuringenesis is used as ______

(a)    Biofertiliser

(b)   Biopesticide

(c)    For both purpose

(d)   None of these

12. When the natality is equal to mortality, the population is at _____

(a)    Stationary phase

(b)   Exponential phase

(c)    Growth phase

(d)   All of these

13. Environmental biotechnology involves ____

(a)    Use of desired species of bacteria to convert organic wastes into biofertiliser

(b)   Use of plants to convert organic waste into inorganic substances

(c)    Both a and b

14. The growth of aquatic plants in a water body is attributed to the ____

(a)    Excessive dissolved oxygen

(b)   Excessive inflow of nutrients

(c)    Increase in the benthic organisms

(d)   None of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published On – 13th Nov 2021







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