Objective Questions on Electronic Practice

Objective Questions on Electronic Practice for Electrician Trade

Sr. No. Questions with options
1 Which resistor is used to measure light intensity?

(a)  VDR

(b) NTC

(c)  PTC

(d) LDR

Ans – (d)

2 Which code indicates silicon semiconductor diode?

(a)  OA 79

(b) By 126

(c)  IN 4007

(d) 2N 3055

Ans – (b)

3 Which is a active component?

(a)  Inductor

(b) Resistor

(c)  Capacitor

(d) Transistor

Ans – (d)

4 Which letter indicates the compound material cadmium sulphide?

(a)  A

(b) B

(c)  C

(d) R

Ans –(d)

5 Which is a passive component?

(a)  Diac

(b) Diode

(c)  Transistor

(d) Capacitor

Ans – (d)

6 How many characters are in hexadecimal number system?

(a)  6

(b) 8

(c)  12

(d) 16

Ans – (d)

7 Which electronic circuit generates A.C signal without input?

(a)  Filter circuit

(b) Rectifier circuit

(c)  Amplifier circuit

(d) Oscillator circuit

Ans – (d)

8 Which instrument provides a visual representation of measured or tested quantities?

(a)  Voltage stabilizer

(b) Function generator

(c)  Cathode ray oscilloscope

(d) Radio frequency generator

Ans – (c)

9 What is the minimum voltage required in the base emitter junction to conduct a silicon transistor?

(a)  0.2 V – 0.3V

(b) 0.4 V – 0.5 V

(c)  0.6 V – 0.7 V

(d) 0.8 V – 0.9 V

Ans – (c)

10 What is the minimum and maximum value of resistor with four colour bands, red, violet, orange and gold respectively?

(a)  23750 – 26 250 Ohm

(b) 24700 – 27300 Ohm

(c)  25650 – 28350 Ohm

(d) 22400 – 33600 Ohms

Ans – (c)

11 What is the reason for barrier voltage is more in silicon material?

(a)  Lower atomic number

(b) Resistance is very low

(c)  Doping percentage is more

(d) Valance electrons are two only

Ans – (a)

 12 What is the reason for widened barrier in a reverse biased diode?

(a)  Minority carriers in two materials are neutralized

(b) Electron in N material is drifted to positive terminal

(c)  Holes in P material attached to negative terminal

(d) Electrons and holes are attracted towards supply terminals

Ans – (d)

13 Which filter circuit is capable of removing voltage spikes in the rectifier circuit?

(a)  LC filter

(b) RC filter

(c)  Capacitor input filter

(d) Series inductor filter

Ans – (a)

14 Which is the advanced version of power electronic component used in the output stage in drives?

(a)  FET

(b) UJT

(c)  SCR

(d) IGBT

Ans – (d)

15 How the decimal number can be converted into binary number?

(a)  Divide decimal by 4

(b) Multiplying decimal by 4

(c)  Dividing decimal by 2

(d) Multiplying decimal by 2

Ans – (c)

16 What is the purpose of using binary coded decimal (BCD) system in digital circuits?

(a)  Storing the data inputs

(b) Control the binary system

(c)  Interface to binary system

(d) Segregating the input parameters

Ans – (a)

17 Which logic gate refers the truth table?

0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1


(a)  OR gate

(b) NOT gate

(c)  AND gate

(d) NOR gate

Ans – (c)

18 Which quantity can be measured by CRO?

(a)  Frequency

(b) Inductance

(c)  Resistance

(d) Power factor


19 Which is the main application of SCR?

(a)  Amplifier

(b) Oscillators

(c)  Multi vibrators

(d) Speed control of motors

Ans – (d)

20 What I the criteria to decide a material as conductor, semi conductor and insulator?

(a)  Atomic bonding structure of atom

(b) Existence of valance electrons in atom

(c)  Atomic weight of the atom of the material

(d) Atomic number of the atom of the material

Ans – (b)

  Published On – 9th June 2022









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