Objective Questions on Economic Geology

Objective Question on Economic Geology | Solapur-University-M.Sc-Applied-Geology -(Semester-I)-2019-On Economic Geology

Sr.No Questions with multiple options
1. BIF occur in which geological age among the following.

(a)    Precambrian

(b)   Mesozoic

(c)    Paleozoic

(d)   Tertiary

2. Epigenetic deposits are formed _______.

(a)    At the time deposits are formation of host rock

(b)   After the formation of the host rock

(c)    Both of the above

(d)   None of the above

3. Hydrothermal fluids are ______ in nature.

(a)    Corrosive

(b)   Abrasive

(c)    Both (a) and (b)

(d)   None of the above

4. Ore deposits formed by mechanical concentration process are also called ____

(a)    Placer deposit

(b)   Sedimentary deposits

(c)    Evaporation deposits

(d)   All of the above

5. Temperature range for the formation of hypothermal deposit is _______

(a)    300-700°

(b)   300-500°

(c)    300-450°

(d)   300-400°

6. The term Tenor indicates ____

(a)    The metal content of an ore

(b)   The gangue content of an ore

(c)    The method of formation of ore deposit

(d)   The ore percent in an ore deposit

7. Iron ore deposit of Goa are mainly of:

(a)    Magnetite type

(b)   Hematite type

(c)    Blue dust

(d)   None of the above

8. Which of the following is the chief ore of Thorium?

(a)    Monzonite

(b)   Chalcopyrite

(c)    Sphalerite

(d)   Monazite

9. One of the following metals is generally extracted as a byproduct from sulphide ore of copper.

(a)    Gold

(b)   Silver

(c)    Cadmium

(d)   Gallium

10. Which one of the following minerals shows diagnostic Internal Reflection property?

(a)    Pyrite

(b)   Sphalerite

(c)    Bornite

(d)   Covellite

11. The tin bearing mineral in the following is ______

(a)    Sphalerite

(b)   Smithsonite

(c)    Pyrrhotite

(d)   Cassiterite

12. Layered Igneous rocks could be good sites for the mineralization of _____

(a)    Gold

(b)   Tungsten

(c)    Chromite

(d)   Diamonds

13. The outcrop of manganese deposits exhibit color _____

(a)    Black

(b)   Brown

(c)    Red

(d)   Waxy green

14. The porphyry copper deposits of the world are considered to be special manifestations of:

(a)    Subduction related magmatic activity.

(b)   Flood basaltic magmatism.

(c)    Ocean island basalt magmatism.

(d)   Continental rift realted magmatism.

Data Collected By- K. Jeyanthi
Published on – 2nd Nov 2021






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