Objective Questions on Distributed Operating System

Solapur University MCA (Semester-IV) Paper on Distributed Operating System March 2019


Sr. No. Question
1 Remote procedure calls are used

(a)    For communication between two processes remotely different from each other on the same system

(b)   For communication between two processes on the same system

(c)    For communication between two processes on separate systems

(d)   None of the mentioned

2 To differentiate the many network services a system supports are _________used.

(a)    Variables

(b)   Sockets

(c)    Ports

(d)   Service names

3 RPC provides a(an) _______ on the client side, a separate one for each remote procedure

(a)    Stub

(b)   Identifier

(c)    Name

(d)   Process identifier

4 What are the advantages of file replication?

(a)    Improves availability & performance

(b)   Decreases performance

(c)    They are consistent

(d)   Improves speed

5 The full form of RMI

(a)    Remote Memory Installation

(b)   Remote Memory Invocation

(c)    Remote Method Installation

(d)   Remote Method Invocation

6 Which is NOT a major component of file system?

(a)    Directory service

(b)   Authorization service

(c)    Shadow service

(d)   System service

7 What is stateless file server?

(a)    It keeps tracks of states of different objects

(b)   It maintains internally no state information at all

(c)    It maintains some information in them

(d)   None of the mentioned

8 What are the characteristics of stateless server?

(a)    Easier to implement

(b)   They are not fault-tolerant upon client or server failures

(c)    They store all information file server

(d)   They are redundant to keep data safe

9 The stub

(a)    Transmits the message to the server where the server side stub receives the message and invokes procedure on the server side

(b)   Packs the parameters into a form transmittable over the network

(c)    Locates the port on the server

(d)   All of the mentioned

10 What is the coherency of replicated data?

(a)    All replicas are identical at all times

(b)   Replicas are perceived as identical only at some points in time

(c)    Users always read the most recent data in the replicas

(d)   All of the mentioned

11 In distributed systems, a logical clock is associated with _____

(a)    Each instruction

(b)   Each process

(c)    Each register

(d)   None of the mentioned

12 If timestamps of two events are same, then the events are ________

(a)    Concurrent

(b)   Non – concurrent

(c)    Monotonic

(d)   Non-monotonic

13 In the token passing approach of distributed systems, processes are organized in a ring structure

(a)    Logically

(b)   Physically

(c)    Both logically and physically

(d)   None of the mentioned.

  Published on 30th Sept 2021






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