Objective Questions on Diseases of Crop Plants – I

Solapur-University-M.Sc-AGPM-(Semester-I)-2019-On Diseases of Crop Plants – I

Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. First plant parasitic bacteria were reported by: _____

(a)    Needham

(b)   T.J.Burrill

(c)    Louis Pasteur

(d)   Leeuwenhoek

2. Fungi which can grow only on living host plant are called: ______

(a)    Obligate saprophytes

(b)   Facultative parasities

(c)    Saprophytes

(d)   Obligate parasites

3. Phytopathology is the study of ____

(a)    Algae

(b)   Fungi

(c)    Plant diseases

(d)   Pteridophytes

4. The name ‘smut diseases’ is given to those produced by Ustilago because ______

(a)    Its mycelium is black in color

(b)   It parasitizes cereals

(c)    The host becomes completely black

(d)   The fungus produces black sooty spore masses

5. When two host species are required for completion of parasitic fungi life- cycle, this condition is described as _____

(a)    Autoecism

(b)   Autotrophic

(c)    Heteroecism

(d)   Heterokaryotic

6. Downy mildews are caused by the members of ____

(a)    Erysiphales

(b)   Taphrinales

(c)    Ustilaginales

(d)   Peronosporales

7. Rice blast pathogen perfect stage is ________

(a)    Pyricularia oryzae

(b)   Magnaporthe grisea

(c)    Helminthosporium oryzae

(d)   Rhizoctonia solani

8. The computerized disease assessment training programme is _____

(a)    Distrain

(b)   Lopat

(c)    Das-Elisa

(d)   Epidem

9. Nutritionally, fungi may be best characterized as _____

(a)    Photosynthetic autotrophs

(b)   Chemosynthetic autotrophs

(c)    Absorptive heterotrophs

(d)   Ingestive heterotrophs

10. An internally seed borne fungal disease ______

(a)    Smut of Ragi

(b)   Red rot of Sugarcane

(c)    Loose smut of Wheat

(d)   Grain smut of Jowar

11. Blast of Rice is caused by _____

(a)    Magnaporthe grisea

(b)   Drechslera oryzae

(c)    Ephelis oryzae

(d)   Rhizoctonia solani

12. Effective fungicide for the control of blast disease of Rice ______

(a)    Mancozeb

(b)   Tricyclazole

(c)    Fosteyl A1

(d)   Plantvax

13. Diseases which interferes with the conduction of water in plants ________

(a)    Wilts

(b)   Rots

(c)    Leaf spots

(d)   Damping off

14. The Indian Photopathological society was started by _______

(a)    B.B. Mundkur

(b)   Coleman

(c)    E.J. Butler

(d)   Kirtikar

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 4th Nov 2021







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