Objective Questions on Computer Communication Network Part 2

Solapur University MCA (Semester-III) Paper on Computer Communication Network March 2019


Sr. No. Question
1 The header length of an IPv6 datagram is _______

(a)    10 bytes

(b)   25 bytes

(c)    30 bytes

(d)   40 bytes

2 In virtual circuit network each packet contains _______

(a)    Full source and destination address

(b)   A short VC number

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   None of these

3 Which error correction method consists of just one redundant bit per data unit ______

(a)    CRC

(b)   Checksum

(c)    Simple parity check

(d)   Two – dimensional parity check

4 In a _______ connection, two and only two devices are connected by a dedicated link.

(a)    Multipoint

(b)   Point to point

(c)    Both (a) & (b)

(d)   None of these

5 This is NOT an application layer protocol.

(a)    HTTP

(b)   FTP

(c)    TCP

(d)   SMTP

6 In ______, each node maintains a vector (table) of minimum distances to every node.

(a)    Path vector

(b)   Distance vector

(c)    Link state

(d)   None of these

7 _________primitive is used to accept incoming connections.

(a)    RECEIVE


(c)    LISTEN

(d)   None of these

8 HTTP uses the services of ______ on well-known port 80.

(a)    UDP

(b)   IP

(c)    TCP

(d)   None of these

9 In __________, we try to create an appropriate environment for the traffic.

(a)    Congestion control

(b)   Quality of service

(c)    Either (a) or (b)

(d)   Both (a) and (b)

10 In byte stuffing, a special byte is added to data section of frame when there is a character with same pattern as the ______

(a)    Flag

(b)   Error

(c)    Sender

(d)   Destination

11 In ________, the router may forward the received packet through several of its interfaces.

(a)    Unicasting

(b)   Multicasting

(c)    Broadcasting

(d)   None of these

12 HDLC is an acronym for ________

(a)    Half-duplex digital link combination

(b)   Host double-level circuit

(c)    High-duplex line communication

(d)   High-level data link control

13 UDP needs the ______ address to deliver the user datagram to the correct application process.

(a)    Port

(b)   Application

(c)    Internet

(d)   None of these

 14 _____ is a repository of information linked together from points all over the world.

(a)    The www

(b)   HTTP

(c)    HTML

(d)   None of these

  Published on 29th Sept 2021







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