Objective Questions on Chemistry of Pesticides And Their Formulations

Solapur University M.Sc AGPM (Semester-I) 2019 On Chemistry of Pesticides And Their Formulations – I

Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. Sulphur is formulated in the form of ________.

(a)    Smoke

(b)   Granules

(c)    Emulsifiable oils

(d)   Granules

(e)   Dust

2. The reactions which involve a change in carbon skeleton is known as _____

(a)    Claisen condensation

(b)   Hofmann reaction

(c)    Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement reaction

(d)   Reformatsky reaction

3. Methyl bromide is best _____.

(a)    Fumigant

(b)   Herbicide

(c)    Rodenticide

(d)   Insecticide

4. The neem extract contains main active ingredient is _________.

(a)    Terpineol

(b)   Limonoid

(c)    Alkaloid

(d)   Lavandulol

5. Azodrin is trade name of _________.

(a)    Quinalphos

(b)   Chloropyriphos

(c)    Phorate

(d)   Monocrotuphos

6. Chloropyriphos is obtained by Condensation of 0-0-diethylchlorothiophosphate with _________.

(a)    1-hydroxy quinoxilin

(b)   2-hydroxy quinoxilin

(c)    3,4-dihydroxy quinoxilin

(d)   4-hydroxy quinoxilin

7. Products of Cannizaros reaction are _______.

(a)    Acid and Ester

(b)   Acid and Amide

(c)    Acid and Alcohol

(d)   Acid and Ketone

8. Wettable powder contains ________.

(a)    Diluents

(b)   Auxiliary materials

(c)    Surface active agents

(d)   All the above

  Published on 26th Oct 2021
  Data Collected by – K. Jeyanthi








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