Objective Questions on Artificial Intelligence

Shivaji University Kolhapur M.Sc Semester-III Computer Science Paper March 2019

The ______ attempts to solve its goal of recommending a therapy for a particular patient by first finding the cause of the patient’s illlness.
(b) MOLE

The ____ principle provides a way of finding contradictions by trying a minimum number of substitutions.
(a) Resolution
(b) Propositional Logic
(c) Computable functions
(d) Fuzzy Logic

A direction in which to conduct the search can be a search foward through the _____ from the start state to a goal state.
(a) Reasoning
(b) Problem domain
(c) Al technique
(d) State Space

The _____ procedure is a simple iterative process; at each step, two clauses, called the parent clauses are compared, yielding a new clause that has been inferred from them.
(a) Formal Logic
(b) Computable functions
(c) Proposition Logic
(d) Resolution

An algorithm called depth first iterative deepening (DFID) combines the best aspect of depth first search and ________.
(a) AO* Search
(b) A* Search
(c) Breadth First Search
(d) Heuristic Search

In ______ is a program that provides advice on mineral exploration

A______is a step that analyzes the meaning of an individual sentence may depend on the sentences that precede it.
(a) Semantic Analysis
(b) Morphoological Analysis
(c) Syntactic Analysis
(d) Discourse Integration

The primitive act ______ stands for focusing of a sense organ toward a stimulus.

The______, which encode knowledge about how to acheive particular goals.
(a) Relational knowledge
(b) Procedural knowledge
(c) Backward rules
(d) Matching

In order to support _____, object must be organized into classes and classes must be arranged in a generalization hierarchy.
(a) Hierarchical inheritance
(b) Property inheritance
(c) Classical inheritance
(d) None of these

To build a system to solve a particular problem, there is a need to do _____ and represent the task knowledge that is necessary to solve the problem.
(a) Define the problem
(b) Isolate
(c) Analyze the problem
(d) Search

Game playing and _____ share the property, people who do them well are considered to be displaying intelligence.
(a) Natural Language
(b) Mathematical Algebra
(c) Breadth First Search
(d) Theorem proving

_____ includes reasoning about physical objects and their relationships to each other as well as reasoning about actions and their consequences.
(a) Aptitude reasoning
(b) Theorem proving
(c) Mathematical reasoning
(d) Commonsense reasoning

Search provides a way of solving problems for which no more _____ approach is available as well as framework into which any _____ techniques that are available can be embedded.
(a) Indirect
(b) Direct
(c) Partial
(d) Incomplete






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