Objective Questions on Advances in Pest Control – I

Solapur-University-M.Sc-AGPM-(Semester-III)-2019-On Advances in Pest Control – I

Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. ________ is the Mechanical method used in pest control.

(a)    Insecticide

(b)   Herbicide

(c)    Weedicide

(d)   Hand picking

2. Any chemical that can inhibit the growth of gonads of an insect is called as _____

(a)    Repellants

(b)   Chemosterilants

(c)    Attractants

(d)   None of the above

3. ________ is the botanical name of neem plant.

(a)    Periplaneta americana

(b)   Azardirechta indica

(c)    Sitophilus oryzae

(d)   Helicoverpa armigera

4. ________ virus is used for controlling the Helicoverpa armigera.

(a)    HaNPV

(b)   Bt

(c)    E.coli

(d)   Salmonella

5. ______ is the stored grain pest.

(a)    Pulse beetle

(b)   Mole cricket

(c)    Aphid

(d)   Thrips

6. IPM stands for____

(a)    Integrated pest management

(b)   Integral pest management

(c)    Important pest management

(d)   Inverted pest management

7. In antixenosis the host plant may reduce ______ habit of insect.

(a)    Feeding

(b)   Oviposition

(c)    Seeking shelter

(d)   All of the above

8. Pesticide designed to kill herbs are called ______

(a)    Aviacides

(b)   Miticides

(c)    Fungicides

(d)   Herbicides

9. In simple words bioassay is the determination of response of a ________ on living organisms.

(a)    Toxicity

(b)   Chemical

(c)    Dose

(d)   Growth

10. The fumigation method of bioassay is carried out against ______

(a)    Pests in garden

(b)   Pests on plants

(c)    Pests in fields

(d)   Stored grain pests

11. In injection method with the help of _______ needle the measured amount of insecticides is directly injected in the systems in insect body.

(a)    Sterile

(b)   Hypodermic

(c)    Sharp

(d)   Sewing

12. The acute toxicity of insecticides are made introducing the _____ dose of insecticide directly into stomach or to rats.

(a)    Single

(b)   Double

(c)    Triple

(d)   Multiple

13. In sandwich method known amount of insecticide is put in between two _____ and the batch of insect is allowed to feed on it.

(a)    Stems

(b)   Plants

(c)    Leaves

(d)   Flowers

14. The fumigation method is carried out in _______.

(a)    Closed chamber

(b)   Open air

(c)    Dark room with partially ventilation

(d)   All of the Above

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on – 3rd Nov 2021







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