Objective Question on Analytical Techniques For Agrochemicals

Solapur-University-M.Sc-AGPM-(Semester-II)-2019-On Analytical Techniques For Agrochemicals

Sr. No. Questions with multiple options
1. The technique of chromatography was first time used by __

(a)    Michael Tswett

(b)   Sorenson

(c)    Fleming

(d)   Faraday

2. In gravimetric estimation of iron, _________ hydroxide reagent is used.

(a)    Sodium

(b)   Barium

(c)    Ammonium

(d)   Potassium

3. In Acid-base titration which indicator is used _____

(a)    Phenolphthalein

(b)   Erichrome Black-T

(c)    Methylene blue

(d)   None of these

4. All chromatographic techniques are based on the principal of _____

(a)    Electrtolysis

(b)   Separation

(c)    Salvation

(d)   Precipation

5. The process of extracting a small portion from a large quantity of material representing its true composition is called _______

(a)    Sampling

(b)   Extraction

(c)    Qualitative analysis

(d)   Quantitative analysis

6. Quinhydrone is _______ mixture of quinine & hydroquinone.

(a)    1:2

(b)   1:1

(c)    2:3

(d)   3:5

7. The titrations in which end points are determined by emf measurements are called _______ titration.

(a)    Coductometric

(b)   Colorimetric

(c)    Potentiometric

(d)    metric

8. ______ electrode is the reference electrode.

(a)    Glass

(b)   Hydrogen

(c)    Plantinum

(d)   Quinhydrone

9. When a molecule rotates a plane of the plane polarized light in anticlockwise direction, it is known as _______ compound.

(a)    Meso

(b)   Dextro rotator

(c)    Laevo rotator

(d)   None of these

10. In polarography, specific rotation depends on _______

(a)    Temperature

(b)   Concentration

(c)    Wavelength

(d)   All of these

11. The colour change property of an acid indicator depends on _____

(a)     of solution

(b)   Structural arrangement

(c)    Ionization of indicator

(d)   All of these

12. In flame photometry the temperature of the flame can be controlled by _____

(a)    Type of fuel- oxidant

(b)   Type of burner

(c)    Ratio of fuel- oxidant

(d)   All of these

  Data Collected By – K. Jeyanthi
  Published on 31st Oct 2021








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