NTPC Technician Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus


Mental Ability, Reasoning and Mathematical Skills:

Analogy, series completion, coding-decoding, blood relations, logical venn diagrams, alphabetical test, number ranking and time sequence test, mathematical operations, arithmetical reasoning, data interpretation, data sufficiency, cubes and dice, construction of sequences and triangles.

Mathematics based on tenth standard of CBSE

Computer awareness

Components of a computer system, specifications of a computer system, Input and output devices and installation of printers and other input devices., Introduction to Internet and Internet Applications, MS windows, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, Computer Networking, Computer shortcut keys, Virus and virus protection, Operating System types.

English Language Proficiency

English language based on tenth standard of CBSE

Post Specific

1. Computer fundamentals & Applications: Evolution of Computers, Application: MS-Word,, MS-Excel & MS-Power Point, Open source software, System software, Compilers.
2. Digital Electronics & Computer Architecture: Number Systems, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Combinational & Sequential Logic, Memory Organization, Cache Memory, Instruction formats & Addressing Modes, I/O system, DMA controller.
3. Computer Hardware & PC Organization:  Component of computer system & their interconnection, Types of Money, Peripherals and Interfacing, Microprocessor 8085/8086: Architecture, Instruction sets, interfacing; Microcontrollers.
4. Programming & Data Structures: Constants, variables and data types, Operators, Type Casting, Loop, Control Statements, Functions, Structures and Union, Files, Data Structures: Arrays, Pointers, Stack, Queue, Linked List, Tree, Searching & Sorting Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming using Java:  OOPs Fundamentals: Classes, Object, Abstraction, Encapsulation; Language Constructs, Class Members, Private Vs Protected, Constructor, Overloading, Inheritance, Exception Handling.
5. Computer Networks And Security: Networking Model; OSI & PRC/IP, Layers, Protocol And Services, Functionality of Different Layer, Networking Topologies, Connectivity standard & Devices: Transmission Media: Guided & Unguided Media; Ethernet, LAN, WAN, Routers, Gateways, Bridge, Switches. Network installation & Management: MAC Address, IP Addressing, NAT, Trouble Shooting Tools for wired & wireless networks. Security: Internet Viruses, Internet Security Issues, Firewall, Data Encryption, Digital Signatures and Certificates.
6. Internet & Web Technologies: Internet Service Provider, URL, Domain Names, Client-Server Architecture, Web Server & hosting, Proxy Server, Email Server, Web Browsers, Website Design & Development: HTML Programming: Syntax and Rules, GUI Enhancement Technologies such as CSS, Java Script, Server-Side scripting, Multimedia & Animation tools for web designing; Search Engine Optimization.
7. Operating System: Operating System, Types of OS, Processes life cycle, PCB, CPU scheduling, Synchronization, Deadlock, Memory management and virtual memory, Language processing: Pre-processor, Assemblers, Loaders and Linkers, Compilers, File systems, I/O systems, Protection and security.
8. LINUX: Basic Architecture of Unix/Linux System, File System & Structure, Linux Commands for files and directories, Creating and Editing and Files, System Administration, Role of System Administrator, Managing User Accounts.
9. DBMS fundamentals: Data Models, RDBMS, Database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), E-R Model, Query Language, SQL: Create, Insert, Update, Delete, Select, DDL, DML and DCL Statements.







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