NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee Maintainer Fitter Advanced Paper 2019

NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee Maintainer Fitter Advanced Paper | NPCIL Stipendiary Trainee Fitter Category II (ST/TM) Paper 2019 at Rawatbhat Rajasthan Site

1 inch equals to __________cm
(a) 0.254
(b) 2.54
(c) 25.4
(d) 0.0254

A micrometer has an error of +0.02 mm. What is the correct value in mm when the micrometer reads 25.41 mm ?
(a) 25.39
(b) 25.37
(c) 25.43
(d) 25.45

“V” block is used to hold round bar. The “V” block usually has an angle of __________
(a) 30 degree
(b) 60 degree
(c) 75 degree
(d) 90 degree

The operation of threading in a drilled hole is called __________
(a) Tapping
(b) Drilling
(c) Reaming
(d) Grinding

While grinding one must use ___________
(a) dark glass screen
(b) safety goggle
(c) Welding Helmet
(d) sun goggle

A bearing has nomenclature 6310 ZZ. Here 10 is related to _______of the bearing.
(a) Length
(b) Inner diameter
(c) Size
(d) Outer diameter

The quality control allows at the most 0.4% defective parts. How many defective parts can be allowed in a production of 500 parts?
(a) 0.2
(b) 200
(c) 2.0
(d) 20

The most commonly used standard length of hacksaw blade is ______________
(a) 6 Inch
(b) 8 inch
(c) 10 inch
(d) 12 inch

Which is the weakest element in a flange coupling joint ?
(a) Flange
(b) Shaft
(c) Key
(d) Bolt

Which of the following is used for transmission of mechanical power ?
(a) Chain
(b) Belt
(c) Coupling
(d) All of these

Rust is formed from reaction of iron and _______
(a) H2
(b) N2
(c) O2
(d) CO2

The peen of a cross-peen hammer is __________
(a) bent towards the handle
(b) cross to the handle
(c) both A & B
(d) None of these

Brass is an alloy of _________
(a) Copper and Tin
(b) Lead and Tin
(c) Copper and Zinc
(d) Copper and Silver

1 mm is equal to ________micron.
(a) 1000
(b) 100
(c) 10
(d) 10000

A cutting tool used to finish and enlarge a hole is known as ___________
(a) Drill
(b) Tap
(c) Reamer
(d) Die

The ability of a metal to be drawn into wire is a measure of its __________
(a) Ductility
(b) brittleness
(c) Malleability
(d) Hardness

The angle which is less than 90 degree is called __________
(a) obtuse angle
(b) acute angle
(c) right angle
(d) None of these

Which among the following unit is the largest unit for measurement of angle ?
(a) Radian
(b) Second
(c) Minute
(d) Degree

In grinding wheel specification, symbol ‘V’ represents _________
(a) Grain size
(b) Grade
(c) Type of bond
(d) Abrasive grit size

Which one of the following is primarily a removable type joint?
(a) Welded joint
(b) Rivetd joint
(c) Brazed joint
(d) bolted joint






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