NMU Jalgaon FY B.Sc Basic Biotechnology Paper on Nucleic Acid

North Maharashtra University Jalgaon FY B.Sc Basic Biotechnology Paper on  Nucleic Acid


Sr. No. Question
  Objective Questions on  Nucleic Acid
1 RNA is made up of sugar ________

(a)    Ribose

(b)   Deoxyribose

(c)    Ribulose

(d)   Glucose

2 Base pairs per turn of helix of beta form of DNA are

(a)    11

(b)   12

(c)    10

(d)   9

3 Which one is left handed DNA from _______

(a)    A-DNA

(b)   B-DNA

(c)    D-DNA

(d)   Z-DNA

4 IUPAC name of odenine is ______

(a)    6-aminopurine

(b)   6-oxypurine

(c)    2-amino-6-oxyparine

(d)   2,6 – dioxypurine

5 Width of double hexis is ______

(a)    34 A°

(b)   20A°

(c)    10 A°

(d)   3.4 A°

6 6’ Terminal end of m-RNA contain a polymer of adenylate which known as

(a)    Capping

(b)   Polyadnylate

(c)    Poly (a) tail

(d)   None of these

7 Tm is greater for DNA with

(a)    Higher GC contain

(b)   Higher temperature

(c)    Higher at contain

(d)   Long DNA strand

8 RNA contain _________bases.

(a)    ATGC

(b)   AUGC

(c)    Xanthin

(d)   All the above

  Published on 7th Oct 2021






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