NMU Jalgaon FY B.Sc Basic Biotechnology Paper on Carbohydrates

North Maharashtra University Jalgaon FY B.Sc Basic Biotechnology Paper on Carbohydrates

Sr. No. Question
  Objective Questions on Carbohydrates
1 The following polysaccharide is complete of beta glycosidic bonds.

(a)    Starch

(b)   Glycogen

(c)    Dextrin

(d)   Cellulose

2 Lactose is _________

(a)    Monosaccharide

(b)   Disaccharide

(c)    Polysaccharide

(d)   None of these

3 If D and L isomer are present in equal concentration it is known as ______

(a)    D-isomer

(b)   Racemic mixture

(c)    Epimer

(d)   L – isomer

4 Lactose is disaccharide which is combination of ______

(a)    Glucose + glucose

(b)   Galactose + glucose

(c)    Glucose + fructose

(d)   Fructose + maltose

5 A disaccharide sucrose is combination of

(a)    Glucose + fructose

(b)   Galactose + glucose

(c)    Glucose + glucose

(d)   Fructose + maltose

6 _______ is a reducing sugar.

(a)    Maltose

(b)   Lactose

(c)    Sucrose

(d)   Both (a) & (c)

7 Glucose is _________

(a)    Monosaccharide

(b)   Disaccharide

(c)    Oligosaccharide

(d)   Polysaccharide

8 Lactose having _____ glycosidic bond

(a)    Alpha-1,4

(b)   Beta-1,4

(c)    Alpha- 1, 6

(d)   Alpha – 1,3

9 Cellulose is _____

(a)    Homopolysaccharide

(b)   Heteropolysaccharides

(c)    Oligo saccharide

(d)   None of the above

10 _______ is non reducing sugar.

(a)    Maltose

(b)   Sucrose

(c)    Glucose

(d)   Both (a) & (b)

11 ___________is storage material in animals.

(a)    Glycogen

(b)   Starch

(c)    Heparine

(d)   Cellulose

12 Glucose is called as ________

(a)    Aldohexore

(b)   Ketohexore

(c)    Dextrose

(d)   Both (a) & (c)

13 Which of the following is non homoplysaccharides?

(a)    Cellulose

(b)   Glycogen

(c)    Starch

(d)   Heparin

14 Which of the following does not show osazone test?

(a)    Glucose

(b)   Cellobiore

(c)    Lactose

(d)   oxidation

  Published on 5th Oct 2021






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